Smoke Bombs Should Hide Life Bar

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Feedback and Issues' started by L-Spiro, March 10, 2011.

  1. L-Spiro

    L-Spiro New Member

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    I am not actually posting this as an Assassin, since I now only play Assassin rarely, when I meet tough opponents.

    When I did play only Assassin I was wondering why people are still shooting at me after I Smoke Bombed their faces.

    When I started playing Tank I realized why.
    They can still see your energy bar. As a Tank who just got Smoke Bombed, I was shooting at that.

    For the life bar to still be visible defeats the purpose of the Smoke Bomb. It whites out the targets screen because it is supposed to conceal the Assassin for an escape.
    But the life bar is still there and quite easy to target.

    For compliance with the Smoke Bombs intended mechanics, the life bar of the Assassin should be shut off until taking damage again.

    Again I am actually posting this as a Tank player, since this usually does not cause me problems as an Assassin. It is just a detail that seems unintended.

    L. Spiro
  2. DehydratedWater

    DehydratedWater New Member

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    I think this is good, but instead of hiding it, just make it get whited out like everything else.
    THough the fact that it isn't already means it probably is going to be a bit of work, and there are other more important things for uber to be doing.
  3. PH4T3

    PH4T3 New Member

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    Most people use the smoke bombs and jump way high away from what ever made them require such a method. That being said, if they jump far enough away and high enough, it is harder to track where they went. If they just use a smoke bomb in your face and stick around, that is their fault when they get killed.
  4. L-Spiro

    L-Spiro New Member

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    It hasnt caused me much trouble (though just a few extra deaths) because I can get out of range of Tanks, even if they can see me, by jumping.

    But frankly it should still work correctly, especially because it gives a few new strategies to the Assassin to be clever/tricky.
    As it is now, your only chance is to jump out. Pretty linear.

    I recently upped the clever of my Assassin by not jumping out of the smoke, and just level-3 cloaking in it and standing still.
    The guy just assumed I had jumped because, as I said, the situation as it is is linear and people always jump out.

    It was pretty nice to be able to do something else for a change, but it only worked because I hadnt gotten hit by him.

    The mechanic is broken, and it would really be nice to have more options coming out of a smoke bomb. The chance to do something unexpected and clever (and have it work) is always a good thing.

    L. Spiro
  5. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    Actually I fully support having a smoke bomb hide the assassin's health. Thats not a bad idea at all.
  6. DelBoy

    DelBoy New Member

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    Wouldn't this change give the assassin absolute security upon the use of the smoke bomb though?

    Jumping far and high away is already quite a great escape mechanism which serves as getting out of the enemy's effective firing range. Completely blanking out their presence upon the whiteout seems a little too Batman Power Level, and that's one OP power level for sure.
  7. _L1pE_BR

    _L1pE_BR New Member

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    I agree with the OP, EVERYTHING should be whitted out on the opponent's screen when they are in the smoke bomb radius, that's the point of it anyway, to blind your enemies.
  8. corducken

    corducken Member

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    Only if you actually get blinded by it. If you haven't killed them by that point, then WELP.

    I also think flash bombs should instantly remove the glow effect placed on pros when they take damage, but that might be a bit much.
  9. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    seems like the white-out effect just needs to be drawn on a different layer, above the health bars
  10. Tigerhawk71

    Tigerhawk71 Member

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    As someone with over 50 hours on sin i can tell you that's not the case.

    With the visible life bar it means your most effective escape method IS to jump, which becomes predictable. You can still be shot in the air and your flight path is fairly predictable for the first few moments. Snipers especially love putting rounds into you as they are rarely close enough to be blinded. It also negates the effect of blinding a player, as they are not blind to your actual location. If that bar vanishes and they didn't get a kill, they know you jumped. If the bar doesn't vanish, they didn't jump.

    It doesn't guarantee safety, but it does give the assassin more tactical flexibility without breaking her ability to be killed (especially with the drop of health since the patch)

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