SMNC: Furries United

Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by tehemopenguin, May 31, 2012.

  1. tehemopenguin

    tehemopenguin Moderator Alumni

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    In a lot of communities furries are usually misunderstood or misrepresented. This is mostly caused by a particular subset of furries, however, we're not all walking around in animal uniforms and/or satisfying our fetishes on the web.

    For this, we're proud to announce SMNC's very own furry Steam-group: SMNC Furries United

    I already know a few furries in the SMNC community and I suspect there are a lot more among us. I'm not going to name names, but I hope they feel like joining us! Being a furry is the same as being a huge fan of a soccer-club or a music-band, so there is nothing to be ashamed off!

    Plans are to run some furry-tournaments in the future, or see what the creative furries among us can do with the pros of SMNC, it'll be great fun and you might even make a few new friends!
  2. LennardF1989

    LennardF1989 Uber Contractor

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    I'm a new to being a furry myself as I only recently decided to "enter the scene", mostly because I enjoy spending time on furry sites watching the art artists make, truly amazed at times. It has actually inspired me to buy a tablet myself and work on a fursona as furry-art is so much more fun to make than a still life of a bunch of fruits...
    Last edited: May 31, 2012
  3. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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  4. LennardF1989

    LennardF1989 Uber Contractor

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    It's almost for the same cause, however, we are furries, not firries :p Thank you for sharing that link regardless though.

    I do wonder, is this legit or is it trying to make fun of furries? Probably a bit of both (in the sense of making puns towards furries, not making fun of them), seems like a cool group of people though.
  5. malvourus

    malvourus Member

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  6. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    I don't know any of those people. I got linked a while back and thought it was just too awesome to resist.

    One of the things people don't realize about a lot of fanbases is that it's just people creating fun out of almost nothing. I enjoy being a firry because it's fun. It's like being a furry, but I get to make more cracks about hard woods.
  7. Saint Mudknot

    Saint Mudknot New Member

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    I think its wierd, i think the people who do it are wierd, but i can care less because its what they want to do and everyone is entitled to it.

    And i will only support this thread if someone just drops the squirrel costume for bullseye. Come on now, lets be serious, stop thinking your animals, your more like Horny mascots.

    Bullseye needs some sure the jokes shall expand from here
  8. LennardF1989

    LennardF1989 Uber Contractor

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    @Saint Mudknot, you seem to misunderstand what a furry is. When you say "stop thinking you're an animal" you're talking about a very very small subset of the furry community who think like that - as is pointed about by Emo in the first post, the very first sentence even.

    This subset is also the cause of a lot of negativity and misunderstandings towards furries. Think of it like this: just because you're religious, does that per definition make you a religious nut who thinks he's the reincarnation of Jesus? No. So why is there this persistent short-sided view on furries? Heck, if we were to make a furry-religion it would fall into the same category as the "Flying Spaghetti Monster" or "Baconism", it's just for the fun of it.

    Some people enjoy going to a museum and stare at a collection of Rembrandt paintings, furries enjoy staring at made-up animals with human-like features. Heck, it doesn't even have to exist. I were to draw a lion with tiger ears and the body of a dog wearing a pair of jeans (which most likely is something you also tried drawing as a child) it would still be considered a furry.

    You know what I find weird? People praising sports-teams into the heavens and making it reasons to fight or slander each other, all because of a stupid game (in the Netherlands I absolutely detest the soccer-culture, it's treated as if it's holy). We have complete nuts over-here that make you feel ashamed for them every time they open their mouths. In the end, it's the same thing: only a handful of fanatics give me this feeling of "hate", as most just enjoy a good match and be done with it. Even though I'm hating it and have a strong opinion on the matter, I let people be, I respect whatever they want to spend their time on.

    I hope the comparisons I made make sense to you.

    In the end it's just a "tag", human nature to fit yourself in a category. If you like looking at Picaso's in a museum, you can call yourself an "art-lover", if you like looking at Furry-art, you can call yourself a "furry".
  9. LennardF1989

    LennardF1989 Uber Contractor

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    @malvourus: Sure, everybody is welcome, even those without a fursona - as long as you like furry in general! Leave a comment on the group-page so we can send you an invite :) Spread the word, I would have never guessed you were one.
  10. tehemopenguin

    tehemopenguin Moderator Alumni

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  11. LennardF1989

    LennardF1989 Uber Contractor

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    Derp, I forgot you already posted a link to your community-page, sorry :oops:
  12. oktoberwolf

    oktoberwolf New Member

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    Oh nice, the thread is back up.

    Awww, does this apply?

    But hey, good thing i was already a group member, let's see if we can get more people together. :p
  13. munchdog

    munchdog New Member

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    Yo wassup. I already got an invite for this group but I just came here to say it's pretty baller.
  14. Atok

    Atok Member

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    There is always going to be darkside for a lot of things, the problem is that a lot of people doesnt know enough and just goes with what the media says.

    I might not call myself a furry, but I definitely dont have a problem with it. There is nothing wrong checking other kind of views or experiences. Steampunk, Medieval fights, Otakus, D&D, furries etc, are kind of the same: "Another artistic expression and preference".

    Just wanted to express what I thought.
    Last edited: May 31, 2012
  15. Sammun

    Sammun Member

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    I like straight anthro art but I try to keep it for myself and stay away from these groups, I don't really consider myself a furry, but I'm cool with any furry as long as he's not obnoxious
  16. LennardF1989

    LennardF1989 Uber Contractor

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    @Atok: Thank you for that opinion, I wish more would think like that.

    I don't consider myself a furry either, but I understood you can call yourself one just for just liking the art, so yea. In that sense, I'm in the same boat as you.

    I'll do my best to keep the group nice and tidy, so feel free to join if you want, you can obviously leave at any point after it. Would like to have you on board, the more the merrier.
  17. Light My Pyre

    Light My Pyre New Member

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    Jesus Christ.

    I thought only Japanese people like these ^ kind of stuff.

    Well, still better than Juggalos and Juggalettes.
  18. headhunter1

    headhunter1 New Member

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  19. LennardF1989

    LennardF1989 Uber Contractor

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    You have different kinds of "like", it doesn't have to mean affection or whatever.

    You gotta admit it's pretty well made, the shading is pretty good. I can see it being implemented as a skin, it fits her character.
  20. mimneotic

    mimneotic Moderator Alumni

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    Someone should pass me an invite to the Steam group. hurr hurr.

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