Smg Sniper Guide

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by MrMusikal, August 26, 2010.

  1. MrMusikal

    MrMusikal New Member

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    I can't snipe for anything yet Sniper is my favorite pro. How did I solve this predicament?

    The Smg.

    Yeah, you might be thinking USING THE SMG AS A PRIMARY?! BLASPHEMY!
    But it's what I do, and it works. I've tested Smg vs The Assault Rifle in a private match and Smg beats it with the endorsements below.

    Gold - Armor
    Silver - Clip Size
    Bronze - Accuracy

    I took the advice from you guys and gold armor is the way to go. yesterday I played a game and got 31 to 6 as my kdr... only using the smg what a wonderful weapon.

    Clip Size

    Face it, the smg gets a really low ammo count but we can't have that can we?
    No, so with clip size you have 20 bullets instead of 10.
    It doubles it and no it may not seem like a lot but trust me it makes a difference on the field

    Now the smg's accuracy is horrible it sprays everywhere also the reticule is so big it doesn't fit on your target if they are not one of the heavy classes.
    Thats why you need the accuracy boost.

    Trap to level 2
    Grapple to level 2
    Sniper passive to level 2

    And unless you can use flak well I wouldn't upgrade that.
    You don't need everything at level three. You can still take down tanks and gunners with your smg grapple.
    (*The one where you kick em where it hurts... BOTH TIMES.)

    And thats my smg sniper guide now go out and kill people with a silly secondary which they think you can't kill with!

    *Getting roundhouse kicked in the face hurts too!
    Last edited: August 27, 2010
  2. Wile E Coyoteee

    Wile E Coyoteee New Member

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    I was thinking of toying around with the SMG myself! Actually that's a great idea, especially when combined with traps and the flak. You can get close to someone, throw the flak, and start spraying them and theoretically they have little chance lol. Especially if you freeze and then flak them!
  3. Rolo

    Rolo New Member

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    Thought about doing this also, just to be different and take advantage of the the sniper's other skills. Can you elaborate on what you upgrade first, what you use the most in conjunction with the smg?
  4. tlbww

    tlbww New Member

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    I was thinking about doing this just for the smg protags.

    I would probably go
    Gold: Armor
    Silver: Accuracy/Clip/skill recovery
    Bronze: Accuracy/Clip/skill recovery

    The armor is a given. I engage a good 25%-40% of my time as a sniper up close (depending on the map and what is needed) and i know that w/o armor, my dodging game better be tight. You may not need gold armor b/c you're pushing up close, but w/o smg against medium ranged pros or tanks up close, they will murderlize you or trade kills. Since maining smg is the point this thread, armor should be considered. That or speed.

    I do agree with accuracy (ACC). The smg isn't the worst w/o ACC, but it could hurt since every bullet counts with smg fire. If you plan on engaging at medium range, I would go ACC as silver. If you're planning on the more feasible route of "trap and bag em'" bronze is probably fine or no endorsement. Freeze trap, flak, and smg anything to death. It's only my play style that forces me to use skill recovery for sniper. It might not be necessary if you're protecting the base. I always find that skill recovery helps. Up to you really.

    [paragraphed just for visual spacing] I'm not sure the role for a smg main as sniper, but it's not bot killer. The sniper isn't designed for close ranged pvp. Changing the play style of it needs to be balanced with efficiency. In short, keep trapping bots, flaking, camping ejectors, etc. You are gimping the sniper with one of the more fun sub wpns. I'll have to give it a spin as I love busting the thing out and dropping gunners and supports.

    In conclusion, this thread actually has me excited about a new custom class slot.
  5. Monty

    Monty New Member

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    The fact that you don't have armor in your class makes you easy pickings for basically anyone. The Sniper is tied with the assassin for the least amount of base armor, so you're a pretty easy pickings for basically anyone. I play as the sniper, and I find that the range on the SMG is fairly limited, so as long as people back up as they fire at you, you're pretty screwed.
  6. DonnyD

    DonnyD New Member

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    @tlbww & Monty

    This. I main Sniper as well. I don't think an SMG would be viable due to its limited range and clip. To be be feasible, you would have to use all three slots for weapon upgrades, which leaves no room for the most important part in any sniper build, Armor. With out Armor you can be killed fairly easy. Assault, Gunner, and other Snipers would very much like your SMG build.
  7. mintycrys

    mintycrys New Member

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    Armor isn't necessarily the best endorsement for a sniper. If you've allowed a powerful class to get in close enough that you NEED the extra armor, armor is the least of your worries.

    That having been said, this is a pretty cool setup for matches when you want to play aggressively, though my idea of aggessive is speed, clip size, and skill recharge for moneyball pressure up close.
  8. Rolo

    Rolo New Member

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    I played against a sniper last night who was putting lots of pressure on the money ball, his traps and flak caught us off guard. He was using the SMG and doing very well. I think the element of surprise helped him. He was running with a sin and they made a deadly combo in CQC, I was impressed, and pissed lol.
  9. mintycrys

    mintycrys New Member

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    Oops. I put "clip size" there when it should have been "rate of fire." Clip size is another one of those endorsements which are helpful, but don't contribute to the metagame. Kinda like armor: If you need clip size to be viable with a sniper rifle, you should find another class or start becoming really proficient with traps and flak. High rate of fire ensures that if you get into 1v1 long range sniping battles with enemy snipers too proud to try and run away if they take a bullet, you have a better chance at coming out ahead.

    Of course, clip size is great for an SMG build, but rate of fire and accuracy can destroy an assassin in one clip and one second while you're backpedaling away from them (gold speed really helps here).
  10. MootPinks

    MootPinks New Member

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    Flak 3 is a monster and would be a perfect fit for a run-and-gun SMG Sniper.
  11. avaloneon

    avaloneon New Member

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    Interesting! Sniper is my favorite class, but I never thought of using the SMG as a primary weapon. I focus on the sniper rifle since, well, he's a Sniper, that's why I picked him. There's also nothing quite like the ding of a headshot, but I digress.

    I suppose this proves there are (at least) two ways to play each class (well, technically three; the primary way, the secondary way, and the I-have-no-clue-what-the-hell-I'm-doing, also known as the "wrong", way).
  12. Floc Army

    Floc Army New Member

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    Very interesting, I too main sniper and mostly focus on just being a sniper who uses the sniper rifle. But I may try this out tonight.

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