Smaller Signatures/Size Limit (please)

Discussion in 'Uber Entertainment Discussion' started by Verumae, May 9, 2012.

  1. Verumae

    Verumae New Member

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    I've noticed that this forum, along with many others, does not have a limit (or maybe just has a very high one) on how large signatures can be. Large signatures are very annoying as they often take up a very large amount of the page. While I don't mind seeing 2 lines of signature after 100 lines of text, it gets annoying to see 100 lines of signature after 2 lines of text. Even if it's possible to hide signatures, it would be nice to be able to see signatures without having to have the entire page wasted.

    Here's an example of what I'm talking about. Please note that I am not trying to single this guy out, and if I'm breaking any forum rules, please just delete the image and not the whole post.

    As you can see, his signature is 399 pixels tall, while his post is only 60 pixels tall (for me -- using Google Chrome). This means that his signature is 6.65x as large as his post. I understand that it's only a one-line post, but still, I really don't want to see 399 pixels (which is over half of my screen's vertical resolution) every time someone posts one line.

    There are a few possible solutions to this problem:
    -Limit the size of a signature to X lines/X pixels
    -Hide signatures on posts smaller than X lines/X pixels
    -Put signatures in a scroll box if larger than X lines/X pixels so that somebody can mouse over the box and scroll down to see the full signature (recommended)
    -Put signatures in a spoiler box if larger than X lines/X pixels so that somebody can click on the spoiler button to see the full signature (also recommended)
    -Put a moderate size limit on the signature and auto-hide it if it is X size in proportion to the post (ex if the sig is larger than the post, auto-spoiler it) (strongly recommended)
    -Ignore the large sigs (not recommended)
    -Reduce the massive amounts of spacing in the post box (somewhat recommended)

    The large signatures aren't really ruining my forum experience, but I feel like they're an abused luxury that get really annoying really fast. I'm just glad that people on this site don't put large GIFs in their signatures like on other forums -- I've literally seen people with several megabytes of GIFs in their signatures, usually in the form of several large GIFs stacked. Either way, I'd really like it if this could be looked at, even if it's not changed. I'm not asking for signatures to be completely banned or anything, I just don't want to have to sort through signatures to find posts.
  2. infinitycanvas

    infinitycanvas Well-Known Member

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    Why so specific with 399 pixels? It would be loads easier just to say 400.
  3. scumgrief

    scumgrief New Member

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  4. Verumae

    Verumae New Member

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    I said 399 pixels because the signature was 399 pixels tall. There's a time and place for rounding. This isn't it.

    Is it really too much to ask to be able to view non-detrimental signatures without having to see half-page colossi?

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