Smaller Planets

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by mmarco, July 12, 2014.

  1. mmarco

    mmarco New Member

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    I was thinking that having a constructable mini moon would be a nice addition to the game. It would cost a lot of metal and energy but also it would need a Advanced Obrital Fabricator to construct it. You would not be able to build metal extractors on it (as it is man-made). You could add a new to feature to halleys as you could add them to the "Man made planet" (someone please find a less stupid name for it) and change the orbit of the planet as instead of orbiting the initial planet that you span from it can also orbit the sun. With the advanced orbital fabricators you could construct cannons only on the man made moon that take mass amounts of energy and metal to produce strong missiles that can blast parts of other planets off that create orbital debris/astroids that could cause harm to orbital units. All of this may sound to much but its just an idea! - Marco
  2. eroticburrito

    eroticburrito Post Master General

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    Welcome to the Forums!

    This is a cool idea. Perhaps not for 1.0 but cool.
    A roaming death-star-space-station-battleship which you manually build offensive bits onto.

    It's come up before. Here's the latest thread on it:

    I'll continue adding more as I find them:

    In terms of actual Planet Radius, in the editor you can still manually input radii under 200 and generate planets. However, under 100 radius is likely to cause crashes, and even at 100-150 straight-line projectiles in-game have trouble finding their targets (due to the steep curvature of the planets). Really low radius planets also get pretty geometric, and don't behave well with Height Range.
    Last edited: July 12, 2014
  3. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    I wanna mention that a small metal planet is essentially what you ask albeit with added mining, as it seems it's panning out to have activatable superweapons.
  4. aevs

    aevs Post Master General

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    I've mentioned this before, but I think this is a good idea (probably for post release), mostly for systems that lack asteroids (or potentially sneak attacks? If you can cloak an asteroid...)
    When asteroids are implemented though, I suspect they'll invalidate this nine times out of ten.

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