I hope plans to add SLI support are in the works. Currently the game is just utilizing my primary card when in SLI mode. Beautiful art so far though keep it up!
I would of thought it will be added in beta or close / post release - I wouldnt of thought its a priority any time soon. (I use SLi too, so it'd be nice but, there's a billion other things I'd prefer them to spend time on )
GPU isn't a bottleneck right now, even one is not fully loaded, and second is unnecessary. Just like always in massive scale RTS, CPU performance per one core is.
Eventually I would expect both CS and SLI to both be supported, but not for a while. At least on my system, I don't see much CPU usage. Or at least I expected to see a lot more, like maybe 50%. I wouldn't be surprised if my usage was less then 20% on average, but didn't keep track. I am not sure what the high CPU usage people are talking about. Next time I play I will keep notes and post my specs and usage/ram usage levels. btw I have a AMD 8350.
Yes I know... SLi = CS... (I started using CS in 2006 with 1950xtx... it has changed a lot since then...) I mentioned my thoughts on SLi and CS, and went on to general performance and CPU. I am going to look for a forum for PC Specs and Performance on PA... if I can't find one I will create it.
One thing to note is that the client itself doesn't do much simulation work. Really most of it is rendering and special fx. So although we will be doing more with multiple threads there is only so much work to spread out. The planet generation process itself does have some multithreading optimizations, take a look at the cpu usage when it's loading.