Passive on any of the non tank classes I play (support, gunner, assassin) Red, blue, or even sometimes passive on my tank. No one likes you, yellow skill.
even though I voted red for tanks stun...due to all the potential assassin players, I dont think reds going to be winning this award.
Assassin and Gunner I go passive 3 before anything else goes to 2. Support and Assault I go blue after most skills get to 2. Sniper and Tank I must have accidentally picked so I jump off the edge and repick my character.
For Support, and Gunner, I go passive 3 first. Assault, and Sniper, I go Blue first. Assassin, I go Yellow. And Tank I go Red first. But I voted Passive just cause the miniguns
Passive for 4 classes gave my vote to passive. Criticals and Jump for Assault, Dual-Minis for Gunner, Penetrating and Explosion shots for Sniper, and Katana for Assassin. 2nd place would get blue for me. Hack for Support, Slam for Gunner, and Flak for Sniper.