If you're not running PA Stats already perhaps this is a good reason for you to do so. ColaColin has added ELO based 1v1 matchmaking into it. I wrote a guide detailing the implementation and how to use it so as to hopefully encourage more people to use it. The more people using it the better the experience for everyone.
I really think Uber should add in a small note about PA:Stats in the game home screen somewhere as this is a feature many people are looking for (the fact that it is community run is immaterial imo, so long as players can find it).
Alright, so I'm trying to play some PA Stats 1vs1 and I get a succession of: - seeing "someone close to your level is searching" and hitting the 1vs1 button - searching for a player - getting the "are you ready" notice - "waiting for other player to load" - nothing happens for a minute or so, search restarts Do I have to configure something? Do the other players bail before starting the game? Is noone using the feature yet? Help?
Might be there's someone in the queue who is having issues connecting causing this problem. Might be you. Colin may be able to see from the logs what's going on.
I am sorry it didn't work out for you first try. In your case from the logs it overall tried to match you with 3 different people one after another. All of those attempts failed. This can be because the people randomly closed PA or because the current matchsetup process is a little buggy and sometimes fails. It does work in most cases though, 3 fails in a row is unlucky or can point towards issus in your setup that make the problems worse (slow internet). I am currently reworking the setup code for games and I hope to fix these issues "soon" Till then please have a bit of patience. In many cases the game setup usually works :S EDIT: OH THERE ARE SOOO MANY CALLBACKS I CAN USE TO ACTUALLY KNOW IF ERRORS OCCURRED. XD
I read your post, but I still don't understand how it tells you like your overall skill level and how it compares to other players. Also how do you link PAstats ladder to your PA account?
Afaik It matches you to people 50 points above or below on the ladder. As for the sig, on the pastats ladder website if you click your name it will go to the profile. Copy the bbcode and paste it in the signature section of the uber forums options menu. Edit: so I misread. You need to install pa mod manager and from there install pastats mod. Then when you play a 1v1 or 2v2 game your account will be created.
No, I'm talking specifically to the website pastats. I downloaded it successfully and I have played a few matches. My question is how do you see like your ranking on the site. When I look at my profile it just gives me basic stats on my matches but it doesn't tell me anything about like wins and losses as well as where I rank against other players.
The PA Stats site doesn't do ranking, that's the PA Stats Ladder site you're thinking of. The latter pulls its data from the former, then uses it to create rankings.
Oh, ok thanks. However, on the ladder site my name isn't listed. Does it take some time for it to show up or do I need to complete a minimum number of games? Currently I have played 3 games through the 1v1 matchmaking.
Somebody else mentioned a problem over the last few hours. Which would tie it in with new build number. So this may have something to do with it. If this is not the issue and your games are on pastats, the ladder uses the info from pastats so will collect it later when the problem is fixed... I would assume.
I am considering this. Might record my games to youtube, make a new playlist "Planetary Annihilation Multiplayer". Might need to make a third "Planetary Annihilation Coop". Right now, I have "Planetary Annihilation Singleplayer" and so much **** falls borderline to coagulate it all together. As long as this ELO everybody but me is familiar with does it's job and matches me with experienced players that are not tournament level. That is about where I am, I know enough about the game to go straight to what I need to do without looking at all the buttons, but not enough to outperform tournament players in actions and expansion and production and raiding. Also, because I support ladders. ALSO, because I support multiplay but mainly coop because matches need regular hours to arrange and I normally am on irregular hours and have no free days for weekend tournaments. Requested sticky. Not sure if will get, but worth asking. A sticky for links to multiple community tools is a better request yet, I submitted it.
As a little clarification how the ratings work: PA Stats has an internal rating it uses for matchmaking, it is based on ELO. It's hidden so far. The ladder calculates ELO and uberskill (trueskill?) based on the games you played, but it doesn't show the internal rating. The internal rating is based on all 1vs1 games PA Stats ever saw of you vs other users. The search looks for opponents within 60 pts of you at the start. It increases this by 60 pts every minute you wait. If there is another person who is in the pool of waiting players it previews how many minutes it takes for you to match with them based on those 60 pts per minute.