I can't think of anything clever to write. So. Here's some doodles I've done of different classes, mostly sniper for whatever reason. Though they're all brilliantly designed and eventually I should try my hand at them all. c: ( And hopefully I do this right.. Excuse the mile long image chains. )
DeadStretch, Thank you! c: SHOW YOUR HEART, Er, not sure really. I draw pretty fast so.. Something like the Assassin background half hour of drawing? Sniper sigh 10 mins at most. Coloring takes longer tho since I'm not very good at it.
Haaah. Eh, I think its just my personal preference. I mostly work with acrylics so when I go to do digital coloring I always feel its lacking even if it looks decent. c:
Amazing work!!! I'm pretty much in love with your art style and love sin background, sniper sigh and zzzzz. So jealous I have no art skills...
YOU FINALLY POSTED IT YESH! And omigawd I still want to make babies with your Sniper XD ..... I keep typing stuff then deleting cuz it sounds dumb xD Your art makes me soooo brain dead. I love you Nata xD Now excuse me while I go and try to find them on your dA so I can love all over it some more... <3<3<3<3<3
Thanks so much everyone! Glad y'all like 'em c: Jane, yess I finally posted. Took me long enough right? ohsolazy.