Singleplayer and AI strength

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by fox1988, September 27, 2013.

  1. fox1988

    fox1988 New Member

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    Hey Guys!
    My question is if ayone knows when singleplayer-mode will be added and if it is possible then to choose the ai's strength, because now in the custom games against ai, i allways have to focus on my air-defense because ai only builds air units (a lot) and i would like to concentrate on orbital launcher to claim other planets... so, a choosable ai strength and what it focuses on (air or land) would be a very nice feature for newbies like me to learn the game, cause i'm a fps gamer and not very good yet in rts-games! :p
  2. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    AI isn't finished, Sorian has commented that he likes options so they're pretty likely to pop up as progress on the AI continues.

    Single player/'offline' play will likely not be available until release.

  3. fox1988

    fox1988 New Member

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    Thanks for the quick answer, little bit sad about to wait for singleplayer till release, hoped it comes with the beta! But still a fun game to play! ;)
  4. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    The problem is that once clients and host thier own servers there is nothing to stop piracy of the game, there hasn't been any specifics of when we'll get that part of the game, but given the circumstances it's best to just assume not until release.

    You can still play with an AI by creating a custom game and readying up before anyone joins it, it'll fill the remaining slots with AI players but as said, the AI is still a WIP.

  5. Tankh

    Tankh Member

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    Speaking of that, I can't get it to work anymore. Isn't there a better way to fill slots with AI? The two last times I tried I quickly ready up, but game won't start for like 2 minutes and during that time other players join the game and I can't do anything about it.
  6. shiwanabe

    shiwanabe Member

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    I had been experiencing that myself, but I did just have a game where the last guy 'unreadied' either left or was kicked and we started with an AI. Seemed to me like they disabled AIs for a bit for some reason.
  7. Tankh

    Tankh Member

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    Seems to me like
    • Every game MUST be open to the public
    • Only way to get AI is that no-one joins an open slot
    • On the day of Beta release, it's very likely someone joins (As I experienced several times)
    I got two games started against AI before that.

    First game I accidently killed the last commander with my ships and thus won before I could play around with the new stuff.

    Second game the whole simulation just paused. It didn't freeze like PA.exe hanging or anything, I could still move around and look at stuff, but the simulation had completely stopped.
    Went AFK for a couple of minutes and when I came back the whole game had disappeared from my screen :O
    I had built some Halleys engines to try them out, but again couldn't finish my attempt

    Third try, some random guy joined the game, but he was even worse than an AI =]
    he did leave when I just had built 5 engines on the moon of our starting planet though =(
  8. core1989

    core1989 New Member

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    I live in New Zealand and for some reason my connection is worse now than it was in Alpha games take me about 20 minutes to get into and then are still very laggy I know that its beta but hoping for an update soon.

    Can't wait for single player but as I found out before I used my eye's and saw this thread asking the same as mine.

    Will have to wait till release for single player as if Uber (games jeez nearly called them Ubisoft) releases the game client it could get cracked early. Cleaver thinking really.

    Lastly thank you Uber Entertainment for all of your hard work the game is awesome so far and I have enjoyed smashing planets into others and launching nukes and all the fun stuff though sadly its been no challenge as its only been against a AI when I play an actual person my connection always drops.
  9. fox1988

    fox1988 New Member

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    Yeah... happened to me too, was building the third halley on the moon, then my catapult killed that stupid AI commander who was trying to build energy stations on the same place again and again till he died! :p

    But at this time I still had my units spread on 4 other planets! ;)

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