Simple UI improvement sugestion

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by nevillecook, April 24, 2014.

  1. nevillecook

    nevillecook New Member

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    I have been playing PA since the first release of the Beta, and I LOVE it!

    I especially love the process of continuous development and improvement. No other game I have played has ever given the same feeling of inclusion of the community and it's feedback.

    However I have identified a problem, and a (hopefully) simple solution.

    Problem: I have had some trouble distinguishing the strategic icons clearly from the background, and from each other, when playing with the lighter team colors (e.g. yellow). Part of the problem is that the strategic icons are outlined in white, with white symbols inside many of them, and while this has good contrast against darker team colors, it can be hard to distinguish against the lighter team colors.

    Suggested solution: Would it be possible to adjust the strategic icons outline (and internal symbol) color to have a higher contrast to the chosen team color?

    It may only be necessary to use black outlines when playing with lighter team colors and white outlines when playing with darker team colors, which would be a definite improvement, but I imaging a graphic artist could probably come up with more effective color combinations.

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