Simple easy balance changes to fix the current balance

Discussion in 'Balance Discussions' started by gabbsc2, October 16, 2014.

  1. gabbsc2

    gabbsc2 New Member

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    So it's becoming an increasing trend where everyone is considering Dox OP, while they aren't quite OP especially when going up against equivalent metal t1 tanks, they are great raiders though, too great in fact to the point where it forces all players to counter with Dox of their own to stop the raids. It's also general consensus that t2 units are not worth the cost and way too risky to go for in most games. We can't expect any serious balance from Uber concerning additions of units just yet so I propose the following changes to fix the current meta and shift it toward more of an even balance between t1 and t2.

    10% Global decrease in speed for Dox, Bolo (t1 tanks), and Infernos ( this will in effect buff t2 while slightly raising the effectiveness of t1 air, especially with bombers countering dox. Dox and t1 tanks need to be less effective than they currently are to expand the viability of other options. Infernos speed need to be reduced the same otherwise they will become way more viable than t1 tanks. )

    25% increase in AOE for t1 grenaders ( will help counter dox in number better and offer a direct anti-dox unit in addition to its role to shoot over walls. As it currently stands I rarely ever see good players use these units. )

    20% increase in t1 power gen output ( a big change which will help it so expanding bases is more viable.
    Currently t1 pgens give off too little power which favors the commander just spamming out factories and dox )

    50% increase in AOE and a 20% increase in range for t2 Ant-air flak ( will help prevent air units from dominating late game, especially when it comes to commander snipes. Anti-air flak with the AOE boost will not be able to kill large groups of air units especially since they clump up. )

    2x the hp for all construction units ( just a slight buff to make them ever so slightly harder to snipe, as it currently stands a single dox can kill a construction unit way too fast. Construction units by no means should be hard to kill, but more hp will require more raiders to ensure they are wiped out, especially if they have an armed escort )

    10% increase in HP for all t2 land and air units ( a much needed buff to make the transition to t2 actually worth it and make them durable. I've seen countless games where t2 can easily be overwhelmed by mass t1 units even when kiting them. A lot of this has to do with t2 units overkilling t1 units and easily being overwhelmed due to )

    15% increase in HP and damage for all naval units ( a much needed buff to make going naval actually worth the time and effort, their slow speed will remain but with the added hp and punch they will be more dangerous. Naval units should be the king of the sea and feared, not the joke they currently are )
  2. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Buffing T2 flak won't fix anything because nobody ever has that when they get sniped.
    igncom1 likes this.
  3. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    If anything the best way of balancing a bomber snipe would be to make the com's missile launcher have AOE.

    But last time that happened, people stopped using planes altogether.
  4. gabbsc2

    gabbsc2 New Member

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    Uh if we buff the T2 flak then people will get it to prevent snipes, not to mention the added bonus of great mass air defense
  5. zihuatanejo

    zihuatanejo Well-Known Member

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    dox are definitely OP I think. Personally I would remove their AA capabilities, or rat least severely reduce them (like you'd need a 100 dox in a group to have chance of taking out a bomber quickly. RIght now you need, what, 30?)

    Prob reduce speed and vision range too.

    Lately i've been learning/experimenting with, basically, all dox or mostly dox builds and, yeah. winning a lot. Watched Gandalf stream the other day and learnt some things. It's a bit silly. You basically /have/ to open with Dox right now, I think.
  6. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Ow dear, 30 dox can kill a single bomber! OP! OP! /s

    Thats really silly, the dox needs it's light AA to make up for the lack of a proper bot AA unit.

    Their speed can be supplemented with additional HP, not that it'll matter to tanks, but it will at least make them feel a little more meaty when they cannot dodge.

    Vision range? Yeah, might as well reduce it, although the lack of a bot scout does mean that tanks and planes (Possibly even boats and orbital) will be required to supplement bot ability's.

    A slight amount of dilution is required, as dox make good infantry, but shouldn't fulfil every role in the book.
  7. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    10% Global decrease in speed for Dox. I can agree with dox. As well as slight cost increase. Their damage, range, ect, is fine.

    25% increase in AOE for t1 grenaders. If you want a good role for a bot, give grenadiers twice the damage and half the rate of fire. Not literally, actually make their damage the tank shell and make their rate of fire the tank shell, but keep their health like dox and their speed less than dox so they are just cheap spammable strike-damage (anti-turret even with wall)

    20% increase in t1 power gen output. You currently need too many p-gens, so I agree with this.

    50% increase in AOE and a 20% increase in range for t2 Ant-air flak. Let me pitch this again: Missile tower = 50 damage, 120 range, no aoe ; Flak tower = 30 damage, 80 range, 40 aoe. THEN: vehicle AA: 80 range, 20 damage, 30 aoe ; Bot AA re-added: 120 range, 35 damage, no aoe

    2x the hp for all construction units. Give construction units the "ship fabber" health. Give ship fabber 50% more health than now?

    10% increase in HP for all t2 land and air units. Or a damage boost, I rather them die in stupid uses but when cushoned by t1 be stronger.

    15% increase in HP and damage for all naval units. Naval needs a lot of things, teleporters, fast response attack boats, narwahl cost reduction and speed increase and 1 orca cannon, orca 2x health and slight cost reduction and slight speed increase, just for starters.

  8. gabbsc2

    gabbsc2 New Member

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    No that's a terrible idea, the commander shouldn't be able to stop 60 bombers coming at him, but a few t2 flak towers should...
  9. gabbsc2

    gabbsc2 New Member

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    a damage boost in T2 won't really do anything since they already do crap tons of damage and giving them a damage increase against t1 is useless since they already overkill and basically can snipe a t1 unit in 1 shot. A hp increase is what they really need, they are glass cannons.

    Your naval proposals is too radical, if you give all those buffs it would buff it to the point where anyone who started off near a body of water would automatically win, especially if you could have teleporters on the water. I think a simple 15% increase in HP and damage will make them king of the sea while still retaining their slow movement and vulnerabilities.
  10. gabbsc2

    gabbsc2 New Member

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    Why do bots need a proper AA unit at all?

    Dox shouldn't be meaty, I think that's the point with their unit design they basically die in 1 shot to everyone. Seeing them tank shots would just look unnatural. Dox should retain their speed for their raiding capability, but still have paper mache armor.

    Multiple units needed in an army is what makes a game better not worse and will make it less 1 unit spammy.
    zihuatanejo likes this.
  11. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Bots need some kind of AA in order to deal with aircraft, or at least have a resistance against them, and currently, they do the job just fine.

    And a dox blob will be meaty, even if a single dox isn't, a small HP buff would see to that, in exchange for the normal speed that would let them micro away from potential damage.

    And yes, multiple units would be better, as to why I am suggesting changes to prevent the dox from doing every role, but still be sufficient to do the roles it has been assigned.
  12. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Depends in how many shots you do it in.

    If you kill 60 bombers in 60 shots thats fine, but even killing 60 with like, 20 shots would be acceptable.
  13. zihuatanejo

    zihuatanejo Well-Known Member

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    I remember when dox couldn't shoot anti-air. I liked it. Can't even remmeber the bot AA unit mind. Anyway, I'd rather they removed dox's AA capability, and brought back the AA bot unit. But also, I don't r eally agree with the statement that dox "dox needs it's light AA to make up for the lack of a proper bot AA unit" - but that's just personal preference I guess.

    Regardless I'd rather force a player to mix units, which is always a good thing I think. Huge swarms of dox taking down bombers just seems cheap to me. Without the AA capability, bombers are good at taking out dox again.

    You say yourself "dox make good infantry, but shouldn't fulfil every role in the book", and that is pretty much exactly what I am getting at. They shouldn't be competent at AA as well as basic land attack. I'm no expert at balance in an RTS game, but this seems like a simple nerf that doesn't affect much else. I don't think it should just stop there though, but it'd be a start.
  14. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Okay, spoiler warning, but 80(max 100) range and 50 direct damage and 10 AOE damage and 16 AOE range and 1 ROF...

    ...Is completely balanced for the commander AA. Just sayin.
  15. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    They aren't competent at AA, thats why you need 30 to do the job of one spinner.
  16. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Sounds ite.
  17. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Think about it. That is 1 bomber every 2 seconds, and if cluttered you get 50% damage of any tightly-packed in 5 shots.

    In case of 20 bombers, it will be significantly faster to kill all of them. Anything between 80-100 range, 50-100 direct damage, and 10-15 aoe damage over a 15-20 aoe range, would be effective.
  18. zihuatanejo

    zihuatanejo Well-Known Member

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    But they essentially are competent at AA because the current meta seems to favour dox dox dox, so you basically ALWAYS have large groups of dox. I don't know the exact number but it doesn't seem like you need many dox in a group to take down a bomber before it gets to drop its bombs.
  19. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    No one gets T2 anyway because getting T2 means that you're behind in the ground game and are going to get overwhelmed and lose all of your metal.
  20. LeadfootSlim

    LeadfootSlim Well-Known Member

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    I like the lack of an AA bot, but dox shooting air seems like a bad idea. I'd rather have dox outrun air by spreading out and being in too many places for air to cover effectively.

    Navy is what really needs love, though. Double health acrossthe board at minimum.

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