*signs* I prefer Assault over Gunner because of this. I just like using finesse more then power to get the job done.
I always prefer mobility/speed over power. In any fighting game, I usually pick the female characters not because they're "ZomG Hawt!" but because they are usually faster than the males.
Definitely mobility. Mobility always beats firepower. Unless it's hugely in favor of the firepower, eg. Usain Bolt against a guy with a machine gun =P
Mobility is all fine and dandy until you discover that it doesn't keep you alive when there's enemy fire being sprayed willy-nilly. 'swhy I don't rock gold speed on my Sniper anymore.
Assault or Gunner? Jees, that's a really hard choice - those are both my favorite classes by far. As it applies outside of MNC, I think speed beating brute strength is a goofy lie that's been pounded into our heads after years of flamboyant japanese cartoons and b-rate action movies. Ever wonder why the heavyweights and lightweights never fight in boxing/MMA etc? Just my opinion though... Respect mine and I'll respect yours. EDIT: This topic is really gonna be flamebait... I'm beginning to regret having posted in here... :lol:
The Mongols, Ottomans, and Nazis, among others, would like to have a word with you. Really though, I don't think either is a guaranteed win. Both approaches have situations when they shine Personally, I prefer mobility. If I didn't play assassin all the time, I'd probably play assault. I just feel more effective when I can move around the map applying pressure where needed, rather than lumbering along and just hoping my team has the rest covered. I also find it more entertaining. The few times I've tried holding down a zone as a support were rather boring for me. It may also be a tad of wish fulfillment, as I'm a six and a half foot ox in real life. :mrgreen:
I've run with Gold speed on my gunner once in a while for sh*ts and giggles.... I love having the extra speed, not that it's that fast or anything, but it's a huge difference from his normal speed...
I prefer a balance of both. Ironically my two favorite classes are Assault and Tank. @Red Shift what about the tortoise and the hare?
I ran gold speed on my tank for a while, played very well, I never noticed the lack of health, but I did start my tank with gold speed, so.. I now run silver speed but prefer being able to maneuver quickly as apposed to just soaking up bullets, which will eventually just get you killed.. However, I don't choose my classes based on mobility, I build them for it
Just look at my class breakdown below. i think it's becuase I feel so slow as a Tank or Gunner. Although that might have something to do with Metabolightning being a standard endorsement because Irun out of ideas .
That's not a good comparison as mounted archers were powerful and fast. And while the German army is perhaps best known for the tactics of "Schneller Heinz" it was not the adopted principle of the army. That principle was generally mine is bigger and better than yours (Tiger tank, 88mm Flak, the King Tiger, etc). Considering that Guderian was never accepted as a Nazi I'd say its offensive to put him in with that lot (Erwin Rommel was another like-minded German). Anyway.... I kill so many people I usually have at least 1 speed pickup so I choose power first.
I think you're splitting hairs. The Mongolian an Ottoman calvaries may have been powerful in a general sense, but they didn't use a strategy of Brock Lesnar-esque "brute force." If you could say any of the three were power and speed combined, it'd be the German blitzkrieg. And I went with "Nazi" so as to indicate a specific time period in one word, rather than saying "German army" and having to spend a sentence explaining what I was referring to, like I just did. And maybe they didn't identify as Nazis, but they fought for them. Just saying. /thread hijack Now that I think about it, I suppose I attempt to combine the two as well. I choose classes that tend toward speed, but I usually don't use the speed endorsement. I choose endorsements that beef them up. So I suppose if I ever did use a heavy class, I'd have to put a speed endorsement on it.