Sick of rushing already?

Discussion in 'Support!' started by k3n58, June 26, 2013.

  1. k3n58

    k3n58 Member

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    Anyone else already like me in getting sick of Spinner/Ant rushes already? While I'm guessing once the game gets built out a bit more there will be some different tactics, I'm hoping this won't be a repeat of constant "Flash Rush" like back in TA. I just got so bored of it personally. Of course there are ways to play against those guys, AA+Towers can only do so much, especially once you actually have to actually build outward to use metal deposits :p

    Then again, once rushers have to get metal normally, maybe that will balance everything out :)
  2. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    Yeah, only limited strategies at this point, but that will only improve.

    Also, Ants and Spinners cost the same, yet Ants do 33 damage vs Spinner's 2. Spinners really aren't Anti-ground units, even if they can shoot ground targets. It takes 50 shots for a Spinner to kill and Ant, and just over 3 for an Ant to kill a Spinner. Anyone building mass amounts of spinners for anything other than AA is wasting metal ;)
  3. k3n58

    k3n58 Member

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    Yea, I can see that and you'll notice you get some good amount of tanks and can take out twice the army. Hey, it's all in the game of people having different strategies. So I can't complain all that much!

    Always interesting to see where people take advantages of those units, especially seeing some T2 bots get a little boost in the latest update too.
  4. RainbowDashPwny

    RainbowDashPwny Active Member

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    Once the game is more balanced people won't just mass ants (you know when tanks can't shoot air =P), but I don't want the game to lose the focus on building a large army fast. I enjoy building a well structured base with defense like anyone else, but at the same time I don't want the game to be 4 people turtling building artillery as quickly as possible with each one a bit further out than the last cannon to build a field of artillery that can rain down on your base. *He actually lost that round because bombers 1 hit artillery, but you see what I am getting at.*

    I am fine with the unit rushing, because without it then the game becomes turtle wars and that is no fun. But I understand how it is super easy to just mass ants, don't judge "unit rushing" before the game is in a state where people use more than 1 unit.

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