Shuriken Launcher Bugs

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Feedback and Issues' started by Deyoyo, April 7, 2011.

  1. Deyoyo

    Deyoyo New Member

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    About roughly one-third of the time I fire the shuriken launcher as the assassin, nothing is fired and it still eats my ammo. This is incredibly frustrating to have happen in the middle of the fights where a couple shuriken finish a enemy off, but none of the damn things fire!

    The ping of the server doesn't really seem to matter, I've had this happen on both low and high ping servers.

    Another bug/exploit I've seen happen and and stumbled upon myself is being able to shoot shuriken while sprinting and being cloaked at the same time. No clue on how to reproduce that one though.
  2. Tigerhawk71

    Tigerhawk71 Member

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    I can confirm this. I don't know if it's a client side visibility issue or if i'm not actually firing them since i primarily fire them at the moneyball.

    What i can say however is this and the lunge bug really make the sin frustrating to play at times.
  3. Tiller

    Tiller Active Member

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    I have this happen whenever I play sin. I'm heavy on the shurikens, so I hold down fire and reload at the same time. Get's annoying when I'm trying to hit something. :/
  4. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Also happens as assault with the grenade launcher. I literally wasted an entire juice today because of that bug.

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