We need a bar on the right of the screen that shows idle fabricators on the current planet we are looking at, a lot of times I have plenty of fabbers sitting around doing nothing mainly because I'm to lazy to use the hotkey to find them and they are kinda hard to see with their icons. Having a Supreme Commander like idle builder bar to the right would help, a lot. Anyways if it can't be done for vanilla, maybe a client side mod? Also if it was vanilla I suggest making it optional so people who don't like it don't have to see it.
You mean like this thing in the bottom left: It shows I have four idle fabbers and one idle factory. I think it may be system-wide and not planet-wide though, but I am not entirely sure as I did this screenshot on a single planet system. Actually, I would like to have it include the commanders as well. Idle commanders are bad commanders!
I agree on the commanders. However, I find the current system cheap. Yes, idle. But what's idle? Please raneme to Idle units & Idle factories or something!
The plus is fabbers, the hexagon is factories. Clicking on it shows the subdivisions into categories such as air. In the long run, icons work better than text I think. You get instant recognition, rather than the effort of reading text. That's why icons exist in the first place, I think.
I know, but these.. I just keep them forgetting. I remember icons when they make sense, like a nuke icon for a nuke as in Supreme Commander, not when being random shapes.
Personally that bar is near useless for some simple reason: How can I actually go through it one by one? like "Take me to the next idle thing so I can take care of it"? Is that even possible? Another UI quirck: The idle buttons are placed directly above these "select xyz" buttons. Often when I try to click the idle buttons (just to then be reminded of that they don't help actually find idle units) I go a little too far down. This causes some popup of the buttons below that hides the idle buttons.
Double click and then press 't' to cycle through them? Or use the select idle fabber hotkey 'f' repeatedly. Cycling through individual units would be useful. Maybe after the Titans bugs are hammered out I'll be able to improve the UI features.
I dunno I found that camera tracking function never very "nice to use". I don't like how it keeps following the units. So yeah looking forward to more SupCom style "click the idle button once to select one idle thing and move the camera on top of it with just that one click".
What we really need, is a button beside the idle fabbers bar that lets you select your commander, and a double click on it that takes you too him.
While it isn't near the the idle widgets, there is a button that does that. Click on the commander icon in the top left corner of the screen. The first button selects your commander, and the other buttons will zoom to the last known location of the commander of that color. Also double clicking the #1 control group button will do what you want.