Play the multiplayer. The game looks horrible but that part is somewhat good from what I remember. The skill ceiling is low though.
In that case no...GoW2 campaign played the same as 1 and although the multiplayer was better (if a little too slow) it was mostly a case of host=win :roll: GoW3 campaign does have a 4 player co-op which sounds fun and multiplayer has new game modes and servers. But at the end of the day it's 'right trigger' and not much else.
GoW3 will have, compared to the original: Dedicated servers, or at least better connecting to the host. More weapons and balance. 4-player-co-op campaign. Horde 2.0. A (more than likely) better campaign by itself. And Beast Mode. Which is basically Horde mode from the Locust's point of view.
Space Marine is a different kind of game. It is very singleplayer heavy while GoW isn't. We have to wait and see if the multiplayer is good enough to keep the game alive (I hope so otherwise I have to go back to Bloodline Champions) because the demo, sadly, was singleplayer only (but it had the jump pack which was awesome). It's also supposed to have no dedicated servers which is a disgrace. Though compared to Warhammer GoW is for little babies.
I'm guessing you guys didn't play the Gears of War 3 Beta? TOM, I'm getting it. Multiplayer, on console, has dedicated servers as well as player hosted rooms. There is not one "overpowered" weapon but there are situations where one weapon is better then the other, you know balance. Multiplayer Team v. Team has about 5 different modes there is also two co-op modes not counting the Campaign. I will say Multiplayer for Gears is unique, no other game play like it. It's an easy pick up and play game but at the same time is very deep. If you're no going to buy Gears3 what would you get instead?
Maybe instead of spending $60 on a video game, he could buy some mushrooms. As for Gears of War, never played a minute of any version, never really desired to. No one has ever told me, "you just have to get this game man, it's so fun!"
I haven't had xbox for awhile a little over 3 years. But if I remember manslayer has had his for awhile and G.o.W was the first game he purchased. I loved the story never played G.o.W1 multi. But in G.o.W2 I loved it. Of course if you're lvl 100 like me people will get mad when you play with a brain instead of running around with your shotty. But I love the game.
I agree with everything but Two words: Retro Lancer. If they're not behind cover and not in your face with a sawed off, you win. It is pretty fun charging around with it. Also, did you get Cole's Thrashball outfit? Might as well mention if you "like" Gears on Facebook, you get Griffin the pimp. Voiced by Ice-T.
Wow, that's a new one. I thought you were going to say the Sawed-Off. Well come at me with your Retro, I'll just blast you with my normal (?) Lancer from across the map and don't have to reload. The Retro is a perfect counter to Gnasher whores though. My guess is you played mostly TDM during the Beta? With King of the Hill and Capture the Leader it is pretty much useless. As for the "special" stuff I don't really care. My brother on the other hand... He's a huge Gears fan, since day one.
probably worth mentioning: i am looking for a multiplayer experience. does anyone know if anybody still plays GoW1? i know i would get stomped, but it wold be a good way to test the waters a little.
I still own Gears 1. If you want to get in a few matches just hit me up. I will say the game is a a closer relative to Gears3. In Gears1 you tend to get suck in cover and all that. Gears 3 has far better Gunplay and simply improved game mechanics. Something as simple as the "hurdle jump" changes the game completely. I am drunk atm and am being rushed off the PC. hit me up TOM you know the deal.