1. L-Spiro

    L-Spiro New Member

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    Without using any tools but FTP, I would like a clear explanation as to which value in which file to edit in order to change the server settings, specifically its name.

    I already changed the only value I could find that has to do with server names and it did nothing, or my server is not up.

    Which brings me to the second point.
    What is the syntax for connecting to a server directly via IP and port?

    L. Spiro
  2. racquemis

    racquemis New Member

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    server settings are not stored in a file but directly used as startup parameters. if you running the server with a admin console you should see the startup parameters somewhere. If you have access to the entire machine the startup parameters are stored in a .bat file. but if that was the case you would probably know already.

    syntax for connecting to server:
    in console type:
    open <ip address>:<port>

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