[SERVER] Queller AI

Discussion in 'Released Mods' started by Quitch, November 5, 2014.

  1. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    I should note that in a 10-way FFA on the Clan Wars Showdown map, with 5 Quellers and 5 defaults, the default AI will win if it spawns at a temple that doesn't have a Queller. Queller still has a bit of a 1v1 small to medium planet mindset when it comes to teching and especially orbital. I need to come up with some FFA ways for it to know when it's a good idea to go orbital so it doesn't leave orbiting bodies unchallenged.
  2. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    stuart98 likes this.
  3. s03g

    s03g Member

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    @Quitch I'm happy for you to test out my AI, if you'd like to :). I've read through your instructions on how to have more than 1 AI fight as such but it's beyond me :(.

    The AI that I've come up with is built around the mod that I've been working on but it should work ok without it.

    If you'd like to give it a go then please let me know so that I can give you a link to the AI that I've been working on :)
  4. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Fire it on over, I'm happy to send you back a vs. vanilla copy too.
  5. s03g

    s03g Member

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  6. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Not sure if you've broken something, but firing it up on Absurd it doesn't build more than one factory for a very long time. I think it's the modified ai.js since it doesn't go factory first, which means it's underestimating its economy. I'd also recommend you integrate bot scouting, otherwise it goes bot first and is very passive which puts its fabbers at risk since it has no presence in the field.
  7. s03g

    s03g Member

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    oh ok :S. I ran the mod on my system on stock and it worked ok. I was also heavily modifying the AI as well for vanilla PA as I forgot about a few things so perhaps it was uploading whilst you were downloading it. The way I managed to get the AI to work with the AI.js file was to make it account for any expenditure coming up for the eco. Admittedly I don't know how to make the AI go for bot scouting. It did however go factory first on my system and expanded hence forth.
  8. proeleert

    proeleert Post Master General

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    yaaay AI battles :)
  9. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Take a look at the default AI for bot scouting (which took it from Queller ;)).

    Is Absurd the right personality? The others looked unmodified.
  10. s03g

    s03g Member

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    Oh ok, I'll take a look at the default AI for the scouting :). Yeah, Absurd is indeed the right 1 :)
  11. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    I retested and they went factory first so looks fine now.
  12. s03g

    s03g Member

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    That's good :). I ended up doing some more changes to the AI as I forgot about some of the changes that needed to be made such as enabling the teleporter from being built by the orbital fabricator.
  13. s03g

    s03g Member

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  14. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    You appear to have included a number of files which haven't been changed, so I removed them. No point duplicating files as it means you won't benefit from future default AI improvements. You also need to update your orbital behaviour to account for the ability of the AI to move orbital fabbers between planets now.

    As noted in my post on the subject, only one ai_config can be in use at any one time. I've included both and you'll need to swap the values in and out of the master file.

    Attached is the s03g vs. default AI version. Note that I changed your personality to be your name so that default has access to Absurd. I also included a commander_manager.js which you'll need to drop into PA's server-script\lobby folder (might want to make a backup of the original).

    It does seem that the AI won't go factory first with your custom personality and the time that it did was me cocking up. You can check for yourself though.

    The Progenitor is s03g and Alpha is default.

    Attached Files:

  15. s03g

    s03g Member

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    Thank you for the files :). Yeah it does seem strange that the AI didn't go factory first as when I was doing my testing it was but I dare say that I can fix it :). I don't know why the AI won't move it's orbital fabricators to other planets as it was doing so in the balance mod I created :S.

    Admittedly I did create this AI for the balance mod that I created as opposed to vanilla but I was intrigued as to how well it would do in vanilla :). Now of course is the test of how well it would do in the balance mod :)
  16. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Version 1.3
    • More aggressive about building MEX defences
    • Will build turrets to remove enemy MEX when there's no threat in the area
    • Deploys Spinners at lower threat levels
    • Deploys Spinners in reaction to losing the air war in anticipation of bombers to come
    • A little faster at getting in the water on island maps like Meso (and at getting out of it)
    • A little less energy floating
    • More aggressive about getting nukes where no enemy antinuke exists
    • Won't spam antinukes when there's no nuke threat unless planets exist where it has no presence
    • Will no longer build Piranhas it doesn't need
    • Will stop building ships after a while if it no longer has anywhere to send them
    • Reduced scout spam a little
    • No longer spams naval fabbers in lakes
    • Invests in Hummingbirds at lower threat levels due to a tendency to underestimate the threat and not have enough of them
    • Only builds land troops when alone on a planet if it has somewhere to send them
    Known Issues

    • Builds too many orbital factories on gas giants
    • Doesn't close out orbital games well even when it has an overwhelming economic advantage
    • Takes too long transition from a naval start to a land game on mixed maps
    • Often floats its eco on higher eco boosts
    • Doesn't take over empty planets fast enough
    • Playstyle not well suited to multi-planet FFAs with single planet starts
    • Doesn't handle enemy walls well
    • Won't use more than one teleporter at a time
    • Stops sending orbital radars to enemy worlds in the late game
    • AI personalities will have little impact on the unit composition
    • Will build a late bot factory on land maps when it shouldn't
    • First fabber always assists as its first action
    • Will sometimes take much longer than necessary routes to attack
    • Fabbers don't always take the closest metal spot when building MEX
    • Doesn't defend its fabbers
    • Attempts to attack with Dox underwater
    • Will queue buildings on the other side of obstacles despite closer locations (pathfinding wise) being available
    • Won't move orbital units (except fabbers and radar) between planets
    • Will send orbital radar to gas giants
    • Won't send Phoenixes between planets
    • Will assign fabbers to a assist on a project that they could start earlier than the fabber they're assisting
    • Will send air fabbers to follow much slower ground fabbers
    • Will only determine where to build with an orbital fabber after it has arrived in orbit leading to unnecessary delays in construction
    • Will sometimes send fabbers which arrive through a teleporter on unnecessarily long journeys to construct things
    • Will count orbital fabber as a fabber presence when looking to send fabbers through teleporters to planets without fabbers
    • Won't attack anything on a gas giant with Avengers
    trialq, DeathByDenim and stuart98 like this.
  17. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Queller seems to have an issue with random maps with a water start where the expansion metal is a long way away. There seem to be issues with how fabbers search for metal, especially naval fabbers. This can lead it to get stuck in a cycle of building a couple of factories and then never building more factories or fabbers because it's not grabbing metal.

    The easiest way to fix it would be to allow air first, but then this hurts the AI on maps like Pacific. I'm hoping that the AI fabber behaviour will be fixed instead.
    Last edited: May 3, 2015
    stuart98 likes this.
  18. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Version 1.3.1
    • Now works on air only maps
    • Removed dependency on ai_config (except for unit cap, but 3000 will do)
    • Now checks for Commander as a means to determine whether this is a military or eco planet
    • Fixed an error that allowed proxy air bases to spam air fabbers
    • Dropped custom ai_unit_map file until such time as I actually use it
    stuart98 likes this.
  19. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Would you be okay with me using a modified Queller in the index mod that I'm working on?
  20. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    So long as it credits the original source, sure.

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