Serious Lag issues

Discussion in 'Support!' started by tots795, May 26, 2014.

  1. tots795

    tots795 New Member

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    Every time my games get past about 20 minutes the game lags out and becomes unplayable. Everything will just stop and 20 seconds game time will literally take 5 minutes real time. It isnt neccesarily about the time, but rather the amount of units that are moving around, especially if it is in between planets. This was in the single player galactic war mode.
  2. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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  3. rabbit9000

    rabbit9000 Member

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    I'm having this problem too! The game runs really smoothly yet everything, as in all my little robots and tankywanks stop responding. I can spin the camera and visit other planets and the sun but the game goes infinitesimally slow after a while!

  4. ciberx15

    ciberx15 New Member

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    Yeah it's doing the same thing for me and my friends as well. Particularly with single player games. I am also getting "cannot connect" when attempting to start a game several times in a row. I should add that I have 20mbs download and 15mbs up running on a computer with 16gb ram and I am watching YouTube on another computer with no interruptions so I don't think it's on my side. I also did update my drivers just in case and it didn't help.

    Like rabit9000 it does not freeze the whole game. I can still move around and look at stuff smoothly, but all the units are frozen in place like the ending of Half Life 2. Usually it will only pause for a second or two but eventualy it just freezes and never recovers.

    I'm guessing there are a ton of people taking advantage of the holiday to play and the servers can't keep up. I am really hoping that Uber gets the LAN/Offline stuff in in the next build. It would help take a huge load of the servers for those of use with beefy enough computers to run it all by ourselves.
  5. lokiCML

    lokiCML Post Master General

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    The LAN/Offline stuff isn't the provided until the release of the game. They need to be connected to the server in order to develop the game. Doing this allows them access to client logs and dump files. Also helps them figure out where issues arise on the backend.
  6. ciberx15

    ciberx15 New Member

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    Hurm, well that is unfortunate. I love the game but dang, the only thing I can depend on in a game lately is that it will end in a lag out or connection lost. : P

    Well not like it's going to stop me from playing. Guess I'll just keep brushing up on my early/midgame X D
  7. ciberx15

    ciberx15 New Member

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    Hum, I had a thought. If the reason we cant have LAN/Offline stuff is because they want the client logs and dump files, couldn't they just have the game save those to the clients hard drive, then upload them automatically at the first opportunity? When a player first logs in for example? That way players with shoddy internet, or players with beefy machines that want to play Lag-less single player could do so without having to give up the valuable logs. The Galactic War would be a great place to test that...

    Just a thought ;)
  8. lokiCML

    lokiCML Post Master General

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    Or they want everybody to use the server to figure out where it fails, how much of a load it can handle, etc. Locate the bugs, performance issues, and squash them.
  9. ciberx15

    ciberx15 New Member

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    Well that I totally understand. But the fact that they are already having issues makes me wonder if they should consider getting a more powerful server (assuming of course the server is actually the issue). But that would probably be more expensive then putting up some of the offline stuff, and the offline stuff will need testing at some point anyway... ;)

    Heck the real issue here is the lag outs and connection lost issues. As long as they get fixed I am happy. I know its beta (gamma) and know they'll fix them eventually, but I am so close to completing a Galactic War and the game can't handle the 5 AI's I have to kill and I really wana win!!!! :rolleyes:
    Last edited: May 28, 2014
  10. lokiCML

    lokiCML Post Master General

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    The servers that they have right now as far as I know are eight cores with 16 gigs of RAM. They also have the capability to dynamically spin up instances through Amazon Web services. Each of these machines can handle up to eight simultaneous games. :)

    Well those issues will eventually get resolved. Uber only has roughly 30 employees so they have to prioritize things. I can tell you it's not as bad as it was in alpha.;)

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