Sell turret

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by mikl, November 18, 2010.

  1. mikl

    mikl New Member

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    I would like a sell turret option but only if you bought that turret in the first place. Also i would like it if you got some money from a turrets kills on pros and bot that you got to level 2 than someone else upgrades it.
  2. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Problem with sell turrent option. If an enemy is destroying it, and there's nothing you can do, you could just sell it. That way you're stopping the other player from getting the money from destroying it, and then you could build one right away without waiting for a broken nub to cool down.
  3. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    I addressed this in my other thread, but I'd like the option to sell a turrent. It could cost money to do, have lengthy "dismantling" time (metal walls go up and make the player wait about 10 seconds before being able to rebuild), and give the enemy that's destroying it money for a turrent assist. That way, the seller gets what he wants, while still compromising his defenses, and the person trying to destroy the turrent still gets SOME credit for attacking it.
  4. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Well that would make getting turrent kills pretty difficult with camping Supports. In your suggestion, would the turrents be attackable while in that 10 second wait?
  5. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    They wouldn't be attackable, cuz the person that spends money to sell them has to get SOME sort of return. It's like paying for the Annihilator and then dying. You spent money on it, so why shouldn't it take effect?

    It's essentially the same as picking up a Firebase after it's getting shot at. There's a recharge timer before you can use it again, but it's best to pick it up before it's gone, and the person shooting at it doesn't get any cash gain.

    Mind you, if they're camping at their base, chances are they don't have a lot of money. Just sayin from personal experience. ;)
  6. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Ah I just assumed when you said sell you meant that the person selling the turrents would get some money back. Yeah, then that sounds fair if they actually have to pay money to sell the turrents
  7. Richy Woo

    Richy Woo New Member

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    In a previous thread I suggested that the best way to deal with this issue would be to be able to build over any allied turret with a different turret at any time, on the condition that the new turret cost more than the existing one.

    Example... There could be a build option opposite the turret upgrade option that would allow you to build over a level three lazer blazer turret with a basic missile turret for 200 credits.

    I also suggested that blocking the build option for longshot turrets in locations where they just waste time firing at walls and walkways would be a nice scripting addition.
  8. mikl

    mikl New Member

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    What i want is that the person that bought it in the first place would be able to sell it for money not a "remove turret for a price" option. There really is no point if you have to spend money on removing a turret that's just a waste of money. Also how about if you upgrade a turret after someone else does it goes back to the level the person had it at and you get the money that you spent back. Thoughts?
  9. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    Although I do agree that the person that bought it should have control of its removal, selling it for money could be exploited. If there is a person attacking that turrent, for instance, I could just sell it for a quick refund, and the person that's been hacking at it gets nothing for their effort.

    As for the second idea, I agree with it for the most part, but even as a Support player that knows the importance of defending one's base, refunding for turrents could be exploited.
  10. mikl

    mikl New Member

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    Ok i get what your saying.How about when the person is selling the turret it takes a certain amount of time and is susceptible to attacks(but cant attack) during that time period?
  11. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    I guess that could work, but the refunding aspect would have to give money AFTER the removal of the turrent. Otherwise you could just make a quick refund from a smoking turrent nub, and that doesn't really seem fair.
  12. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    the game needs a turret option menu to replace the upgrade turret quick-button (so instead of a turret upgrade button you open a menu for the turret), one that includes...

    :arrow: upgrading a turret
    :arrow: perhaps changing a turret (for a $100 difference pluz the difference in value between the turrents and it takes 2x longer than a normal build)
    :arrow: removing a turret, with a 75% refund and the turret taking the build time to remove (so it can still be destroyed if it is already doomed, preventing quick-selling of empty-healthed turrets)
    :arrow: perhaps repairing a turret to full health (at 75% the cost of the original turret price, so a lvl3 rokkit turret would cost 1000 to repair)

    IMO, these would totally balance the game against juicers, especially if there turns out to still be a problem with "partied up base-wreckers" getting wins way too easily. at the moment a good party fetches 100 wins out of 100 games, they literally have no chance to lose a game if the enemy isnt also partied up.

    and if i have no chance to win a game because all i join are unbalanced, or if i have to play like a randy savage tryhard, then i can find more fun uses of my time. hopefully the update will make more balance tho, so lets see (i wish i was already playing it so id know, it should already be out curse microsoft)
  13. mikl

    mikl New Member

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    I totally agree with you on this. Amazing ideas by the way.
  14. Richy Woo

    Richy Woo New Member

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    I just hope there is never an opportunity for players to sell a turret so they can buy extra upgrades. Any option that allows an existing turret to be sold should always return the money to the person who originally paid for it.
  15. Bezique

    Bezique New Member

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    Some people on xboxlive seem to exist simply to make more miserable the lives of others. such as the man I once came accross who stood in our central spawn doorway all game as a tank so nobody else could get through. You have to be careful with sell turret that people don't join games just to ruin your fun by upgrading and then selling everything you build.
  16. Roy Campbell

    Roy Campbell New Member

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  17. mikl

    mikl New Member

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    I mentioned earlier that only the person who bought it gets the option to sell it. I also said that if a support bought a level 2 lazerblazer and a tank upgrades it the tank can bring down to level 2 and get the money he spent on it. Same with the support. He can bring it down to level 1 and get the money he spent on that. Also (putting ideas out) what if they had it so if you bought 1/3 of the turret you get 1/3 of the bot and pro kills?
  18. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    there are ways to prevent those loser griefers from ruining a fun game and then thinking its funny.

    make it to where you can only sell your own turrets and upgrades.

    as far as the change turret feature, i mentioned it so...
    >a turret can be changed but the previous turret upgrades count for the new turret as far as calculating assist (from a longshot to a lazor on steelpeel would give the longshot owner assists, but a useless turret would be made useful)
    >it still counts as an upgrade (so the original turret owner gets assists for the new turret, selling the original longshot upgrade can be done by the original placer of the original turret and he gets a slight refund but no longer get assists from the turret, and the new turret stays after the old one is sold)
    >if changed twice, the original owner of the first one will automatically be refunded and no longer get assists, the kill will be given to the newest turret and the assist to the immediate one before.

    the turret change feature would be a good check-and-balance to griefers. they cant put longshots where they dont work, they cant upgrade to steal kills, they cant sell other turrets, but they still get their fair share of the cost for the turret. the worst thing that could go wrong is too many supports on a team fighting over turret nubs, but its possible for them to either agree on a turret, take most their money back from the turrets they dont want, or at least get assists for someone else's new turret choice.

    i know this would require a turret keeping track of a long history of owners, taking up game space, but at the very least its a good sequel idea.

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