Selecting all combat units Key should only select all units on current planet

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by mjshorty, July 6, 2014.

  1. mjshorty

    mjshorty Well-Known Member

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    This is really annoying, let me explain

    There is a hotkey that selects all combat units, including orbital. Very useful if i want to mass all units to a location very quickly, however, it also selects combat units from another planet. And when an order is given, the units on a seperate planet will simply stop their orders, IE stop dealing chaos, and only attack units near.

    This can be very annoying when playing on multiple planets, and selecting all combat units on screen only goes so far because you cant see both sides of a planet at the same time.
    It would be excellent to just simply have the function only target the planet you are viewing at a time, or a new hotkey that is planet by planet basis.

    Also, for multiple planet play, Teleporters can be problematic because when building one to connect with another, you can only select the one already built to auto-connect, while the other way around it doesnt work. Also being able to Queue commands like Patrol entire planet while building the Teleporter would be most helpful =)
    cdrkf likes this.

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