I just got the game, and setup a human vs ai. By the time I got my first tech level 2 factory up, the AI had half the planet. Is there a way to tone down the AI, so that us noobs have a chance? Thanx Bodger
Currently the best way is to change the Economy Rate in the lobby. Setting it to '0.5' will mean that the AI only receives half the resources it would otherwise. Mike
Sounds like you're playing really slowly. You can lower the AI's economy level as Knight mentioned. Uber is working on difficulty setting and we should see it in the next month or two. Check out PA Matches for some tutorials to improve your gameplay. http://pamatches.com/tutorials/
You can also nerf the AI a bit by playing on a world with a fair amount of water on it. The AI does not build naval units yet which gives you a distinct advantage.
Never build t2. Just eat the AI with lots and lots and lots of love. Because it's Christmas. T1 unit spam helps also