Section 8: Prejudice

Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by MootPinks, April 20, 2011.

  1. MootPinks

    MootPinks New Member

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  2. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

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    Get it MOOT!!!!

    I AM!!!!

    !!!!!!! ! ! 221111
  3. Ultim4t3 Ninja

    Ultim4t3 Ninja New Member

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    It looks kinda Halo like, but thats not a bad thing because I love Halo! :lol:
  4. killien

    killien Active Member

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    If you're expecting it to be anything like Halo, you're going to be sorely disappointed
    Not a single weapon is capable of OHK's, hell, the only way a tank can OHK is to run the player over
    The best you can manage is a 2-hit kill

    Watch these:

    Scrim between S8 clans AOD and TAW
  5. MootPinks

    MootPinks New Member

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    Awesome, I can play with my favourite Scot! ;)

    Edit: Assuming it does actually release tomorrow I'll be on late, and probably a bit worse for wear, following some leaving drinks at work.
  6. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Actually it's out now on XBLA
  7. MootPinks

    MootPinks New Member

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    Ooh so it is! Thanks for the heads-up. I thought stuff always released Thursday morning US Eastern time. Oh well, I won't complain too loudly.
  8. killien

    killien Active Member

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    TimeGate is screwy like that
  9. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

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    I'm on it now! COME PLAYS
  10. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    Fck that, I'm getting...

  11. Ninja Wallace

    Ninja Wallace New Member

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    People who want to play, add Ninja Wallace.
  12. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    Fancy Pants or that other game?
  13. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

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    Review from playing about an hour and a half.

    Pretty interesting and fun game. It has a good lengthy tutorial and you get to understand everything. Plenty of button & stick layouts, change sensitivity, all those great options.
    The campaign missions are lengthy and fun. Easy, Medium and Hard difficulties.
    This game has dedicated servers. I mean how awesome is this - I can add the server host as it presents you with the option to view the host GT. I can then look at the friend request and join session from it when there is space.
    The game has a lot of customization, go check out Youtube. So many guns, attachments, equipment (2), scopes, and you can alter upgrades which affect your guy. Armour, bullet damage, accuracy, speed, health regeneration, jetpack length, endurance for run time and so much more.
    Online has ranked and not ranked games. So you can try hard for your stats or simply have fun.
    You can choose dedicated or official servers and whether or not you want bots in the game (AI running around).
    Each game is 16v16 max and 4 capture points. First to 1000 points. Each base gives you points based on how many you have. e.g 3 bases gives you 9 points, 2 bases give you 4. No one starts closest to any bases as..wait for it..
    You choose where you spawn by flying into the map from the sky. :cool:
    Pretty damn cool feeling flying towards a battlefield anywhere you want. BUT, once a base is captured, one does not simply fly down into it. The bases have turrets which shoot you of course. So you have to fly outside of the perimeter and sneak your way in. They are quite slow shooting so it isn't hard.
    You choose teams at the start and there is no ranking system in non ranked. In ranked, which I haven't played yet, I believe there is some balancing system.
    Every person as a jetpack and can fun, really, fast. Once you start running (Left stick click) after a while you start "overdrive" which makes you sprint incredibly fast but unable to shoot or fly or aim. Just run.
    When you get kills, assists or capture points you earn money and with this money you can call in stuff: Tanks, bikes, support drops(ammo, rockets and stuff), and then mech suits which make you get into this suit and walk around and own everything in a high armour casing.
    The game was certainly interesting to begin with, but there seems to be some flaws.

    - If the enemy captures all 4 points you have to spawn in the middle as you can't fly onto a base or you will be shot down fast. This makes it really difficult to push back or make any kind of comeback.

    - If you join late, you can end up on stacked teams and nothing you can do. Also uneven teams. If it's a late game, but you think you can pull it back with your friends think again. People will have saved up money for tanks and these mech suits and it's near impossible to get them out of them, since they control the engagement with the bases. Capture all four and wait in the middle with a tank and wait for people to drop in front of you. Almost spawn killing. You can't mount the vehicles or kick them off, just shoot them. Even if they get sniped off, you can't steal it, just destroy it. Sometimes if your not fast enough, they'll even blast down on top of it again and get in quick enough and fly off, laughing, whilst you feel very butthurt.

    I give it a 5/10. Fun enough game and interesting concept but you really, really, really need good team mates to make multiplayer work well and enjoyable.
  14. MootPinks

    MootPinks New Member

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    I played single player campaign for most of last night and then briefly played online with my brother for a couple of matches, for most of which I was running around wondering what the hell was going on :) I didn't find spawning much of an issue even if the enemy had all four bases. You can still spawn on the edges as well as in the middle, so I'd spawn with rocket launcher and take out the AA turret on a base to enable my team to spawn over it.

    The customisation and unlock options are certainly comprehensive and there's a lot to learn in terms of weapons, equipment, vehicles and placeables. Mechs and tanks DID seem very hard to deal with, but I imagine they'll be easier once people learn how to counter them.

    One thing I liked about it was the large map size and how it feels like you're part of a big, epic battle when you're playing 16v16. I'd give it a 7.5/10 so far, but will play a lot more multiplayer tonight to get more of an idea of the online play.
  15. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

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    Same, I'm going to be playing tonight. Maybe I'll message you.
  16. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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  17. MLGIntervention

    MLGIntervention Active Member

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    This game is horrible i just returned it to gamestop.
  18. PinkPwnageFrenzy

    PinkPwnageFrenzy New Member

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    Must be trolling because it's a XBLA game.
  19. killien

    killien Active Member

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  20. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    He bought MS points at Gamestop, bought the game, didn't like it, ripped that **** right off the harddrive and brought it back. Now he got a refund.

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