Second time and many bugs finded.

Discussion in 'Support!' started by filariuss, June 21, 2013.

  1. filariuss

    filariuss New Member

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    Today I start PA second time, just do not have much time free in this days.
    alpha v.49789
    I think most bugs already known, I will try not repeat most common ones.
    Btw I recorded this my first game with some voice comments(badly speaking in mic and not in english), and I do not native to english, so forgive me all my mistakes here, pls :)

    - I can`t make Barracuda swim to any directions after it builded. It just go out from Adv.Naval Factory and stuck. If I build more Barracudas - they will just push a little subs builded before, but all became stuck. In was om planet biome with some water. Maybe waer not so deep ? Or they need order to go deep (but there is not so orders now)
    - Fab Aircrafts *landing* underwater after they have nothing to do (like after order to help build is complete) Also while underwater there no selection rectangle shown
    After I make Fab Aircraft fly they do not want follow order "move to land" only under water. After some clicks, selections and making it fly under ground (like passive fly after order to move to ground-water border) they became "fixed"
    - Nuclear Missile Launcher - is`n it shoot so rapidly and so soft missiles ? Ok, nucler boom animation is nice, but it`s did not do much damage. I think it must be heavy damage and slow firing.
    - I build Nuclear Launcher near from water, at sand (low ground) and have my enemy at grass (like middle, standart altitude) and missles from Nuclear Launcher always explodes at about border of grass and sand. ( I wish it was my stupidly to click to attack that place, but maybe it is not so)
    Launcher is at down-right, enemies is yellow at upper-left.
    - I have something same about Lobber. It was build also on sand near the water, and ignoring enemy what was in range of shot (at far end of range).
    I build Lobber close from enemy and give it order to attack not moving unit(or building) what was highlighted by radar and at time of clicking hear sound what I can underdand as "order ignored" (so low short circuit), but after short time I find Lobber fireing at this unit.

    I feel I`m stupid.

    Do not know if anybody need my record of gameplay.
    Last edited: June 21, 2013
  2. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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  3. soghog

    soghog Member

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    All subs are still "feature incomplete". I assume we'll be told when they're finally usable.
  4. filariuss

    filariuss New Member

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    Thanks, I miss this information

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