Despite the abundance of PM's in the last few months, it looks like were at a point where its slowly dying out again, unless I'm mistaken. With a lot of vets gone, and skills team mostly on happy wars, I haven't seen that many hosted. However, the ones I do play consist of a lot of newer players. So I was thinking of doing a bit of recruiting again, and hopefully bring in some fresh faces. I know thats tough to do with an old game that doesn't pull in big numbers, but I'm sure I can get a few. No offense to anyone, but with a lot of the vets gone, the entry level skill required has been reduced a bit, so it might be more fun. Last night I played a clawing gunner named HLG JumpingTaco. He could be an alt of one of the other tacos like alphabet or flying taco, but I doubt it because HLG was a pretty famous clan in Halo 3 being the "hidden gaming league". There was another guy who was very new named chicago something, but I see he's dabbled in competitive gaming before, so I'm hoping he'd be willing to learn. I also have a few ppl from other sites giving this game a shot. So post away if you see anyone who seems like they might have potential. You never know how someone will turn out, even if they are a pub star.
I have more or less stopped playing the Xbox. At least for a while. I will come back to it, eventually, but I simply have too much to do in other places. Who knows though? Things might work themselves out really quickly or might drag on for months. If I get a text I will play if I am available though. If you take PM List out to recruit (it is gold again) you may enjoy a few messages from RustCLAN. He knows I play that account part of the time.
We hosted some the other day and I am always sending messages to people that I think would be interested in joining in, but I have only ever found a couple players that were interested. Most people in mnc that you try to either help or communicate with are 5 years old or upset at you for no reason and just say **** off.
Public service announcement: Skill sounds like a chill dude when you hear him in party chat, but seems like a retard when you see him type.
Obviously too scared to pay WTFe so he fakes taking a 3 hour smoke break... ...well to be fair, it's probably not fake.