Scale without taylor

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by Timevans999, May 16, 2013.

  1. Timevans999

    Timevans999 Active Member

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    Please live up to expectations.
  2. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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  3. monkeyulize

    monkeyulize Active Member

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    taylor series?
  4. ticklemeelmo

    ticklemeelmo Member

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    I find this humorous, because SC really starts to fall apart on maps larger than 20x20, or games larger than 6 players.
  5. mushroomars

    mushroomars Well-Known Member

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  6. plink

    plink Active Member

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    Troll much?
  7. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    Games are a team effort as much as people would like to believe otherwise.
  8. xcupx

    xcupx Member

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    I think Chris lost his vision as he went on, he became disillusioned about what players wanted and got caught up in the negative comments he received from the extreme groups of gamers who didn't like certain aspects of the game. Supcomm 2 was an excellent example of what can happen when you lose your vision.

    From everything I have seen so far with the development of PA I definitely understand that more than I used to. All of the live streams have done wonders for me in that I have gotten to see aspects of game development that I had always been curious about. I love to see the different members of the team talking about their part of the game and what they are doing to make it better. I loved the pieces about music and AI and pathing and planet generation etc, in all their technical glory, because it shows just how much hard work these guys are doing!

    In this regard my advice to uber is to stick with what you think will make a good game and not get too caught up in what the most vocal, and extreme, elements say about you or your work. There are many more people who are silent and trusting in your vision. As it was presented in your trailer and how it has evolved through your work on the game so far.

    I for one am sincerely impressed with your teams efforts and am not worried in the slightest that you will continue to do outstanding work as developement continues!
  9. GoodOak

    GoodOak Active Member

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    I'm not sure that can all be chalked up to Taylor "losing his vision" or whatever. Let's not forget that PA has something SupCom 2 didn't - no traditional publisher. Ultimately, whoever is footing the bill is calling the shots.

    I hope like hell that PA is very successful, because this method of funding and making games is far closer to giving the end consumer what they actually demand than anything that has been done before. A few big successes could bust the traditional publisher model, and we'd all win big.
  10. zeroumus

    zeroumus New Member

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    I would like to have the choice of large maps and 8 to 16 players

    Me and my buddies will decide if it falls apart

    Thank you
  11. xcupx

    xcupx Member

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    I saw an interview with him about the new game that he wanted to make, and he just sounded like he took it all personally and felt like he failed his fans. And yeah, I agree that's also a problem with publishers, they seem to have drove many of those decisions that lead to his current predicament. I really hope this works out too, and I think it will from what we've seen so far.

    That's one thing that tradition business models seem to do, kill innovation. It's happened in the biotech industry, movies, medical, etc. doing things only for money just leads to so many problems. Obviously not everyone in those industries follow that model but, enough do that it can be discouraging sometimes :/
  12. doud

    doud Well-Known Member

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    It happens also in IT when an edge fund invests lots of money in a company. At the beginning you really believe it's an investment. Then you realize the objective is simply to make money as fast and as much as possible. They spend/waste money to buy other companies because they think they have the good product your company needs. Of course they don't know anything about your business, technical constraints. They do not even ask for advice to people in the company. Then they simply ask you to make this incredible product work and fit with your existing solution. This usually leads to epic failures... People are fired, end of story.
  13. ooshr32

    ooshr32 Active Member

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    Of course. That goes for most large endeavours.

    But often putting a single public face on something is a necessity.
    There's nothing inherently wrong about that, it all depends how it's handled.
  14. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Jeez, how old are you?

    Hahahaha, glad I wasn't the only one to think that.
  15. Culverin

    Culverin Post Master General

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    From the webcasts thus far, PA is beyond my expectations.

    I know Mavor said SupCom was everything in the taco (or something like that), but I see SupCom as options, options, options with amazing end-game options.
    With the latest FAF balances, it's no longer about rushing to the T4 phase.

    So to me, I want to see what Uber can deliver in the long run.
    Not the short run when there are fewer units and the GUI is at version 1.0.
    But rather, I want to see what the engine can do scaled up.
    I want to see tons of unit, tactical and strategic options on the table.
    And I want to see things that will make my jaw drop.

    There are still things I worry about this game, but from the web casts, this team is far more competent and dedicated than their modern counterparts.
  16. thygrrr

    thygrrr Member

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  17. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    I just wanted to QFT this. My biggest worry about this project is people judging it before the vision is fully implemented. Releasing an alpha that's not a "fake" completely finished game alpha is like walking around town with no pants to me ;)
  18. teradyn

    teradyn Member

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    I don't know if I understood this. Does that mean you don't want to release the alpha until it has all the expected features in it (i.e. celestial mechanics,
  19. Zoughtbaj

    Zoughtbaj Member

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    Concurred. I seriously hope that people understand that what we see is alpha and not release, because this game is looking great. Just know that most all of us here are completely behind this project.

    And, to follow the metaphoric example, when this game walks into town with no pants, we'll pretend not to notice and just look it in the eye ;)
  20. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    He means that's how most "Alphas" are. All the stuff like in the any of the Livestreams are normally locked behind NDAs and the PR department, they don't want ANYTHING getting out until they're SURE that's how it'll be final product. You can see the effect because no matter how often Neutrino says in the LSes that things aren't final, will change and so on, people still formulate wild assumptions based on what they see.

    The problem is that most people who play games, have no idea how a game is actually developed, so they either have unreasonable expectations or are just completely ignorant of what Uber is risking by doing the Livestreams and potentially allowing people to openly share footage from the Alpha/Beta stages.

    Uber is trailblazing here, hopefully it leads to more consumers educating themselves, because a smarter consumer is better for the entire industry.


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