Scale up conflict for enhanced extended gameplay.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Wishlist' started by corducken, April 6, 2011.

  1. corducken

    corducken Member

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    Once of the most frustrating aspects of this game are the common "stomps", where one team has an advantage from start to finish due to skill, class type, or otherwise. This problem is greatly exaggerated in versus-style games with lower player counts. You simply don't have enough people to both make mistakes and survive. This penalizes new players for no good reason because they simply do not have the option to play the game's signature game mode fresh out of the starting gate because players with more experience will take advantage of them.

    I won't lie that part of this stems from an awful and cruel community. One pro in a group of casual players might play without mercy and crush his competition without care. This is another issue that becomes exaggerated in lower player counts.

    What I'm suggesting is that there be a game mode that takes normal gameplay and scales it up to help alleviate these problems. NOT replacing Crossfire whatsoever, but providing an environment where newer players and trolls can stick out less and stomps are less likely to happen, while the core gameplay remains the same.

    Maybe it'll have to wait for mod tools when people can piece together their own gigamap and have 12-on-12 or higher conflicts with intricate bot spawns, modded bots, and new triggers and objectives, but all I really want is official support for it in some way.

    Don't get me wrong, I enjoy crossfire as it is, but it's more focused toward the hardcore, competitive crowd that already knows their way around the game. The brevity of most matches combined with the focus on individual skill makes life for newbies and casual players potentially frustrating.

    tl;dr: MNC needs support for matches with more players in order to...

    - support easier mid-match drop-in/drop-out by players
    - put less stress on newbies to do their job correctly
    - curb the tendency for teams to become stacked from the start and turn into stomps
    - allow matches to last longer and become more satisfying for the hardcore crowd ;)

    feel free to yell at me as to why this is a bad idea like a generic "make crossfire 12v12 like tf2" topic, certainly this hasn't been called for since the game's release what with the player count dropping every single week the game isn't in the update news
  2. [451]Fireman

    [451]Fireman New Member

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    I'm guessing you mean a stomp to be "any game that ends before overtime"?
  3. RayHanley

    RayHanley New Member

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    one of the most frustrating aspects of Quake are the common "stomps". one of the most frustrating aspects of LoL are the common "stomps".

    having an advantage due to skill from start to finish makes total sense. having an advantage due to class type makes total sense; team comp is part of the strategies.

    if you make too many mistakes, you deserve a loss.

    that's how i started this game. isn't that how most people start in most games?

    i wouldn't play to let the enemy win


    i don't see how making a higher player capacity would make drop-in/outs harder or easier. you shouldn't be quitting a match before it's finished anyway.

    i don't see stress put on them at all. instead, increasing player capacity with this so called "reduced stress" seems to encourage TDM gameplay more.

    you still need to leave room for serious competitive play. currently most teams can't be perfectly stacked successfully anyway, from my experience.


    and regarding the last statement, which i might understand you wrong, making this game more like TF2 in order to increase popularity isn't the way i'd wish to see this game become.
  4. [451]Fireman

    [451]Fireman New Member

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    The "hardcore" crowd in TF2 really doesn't like long games.

    The usual is a 20 minute half or so, with Gravel Pit being around 20-30 minutes .

    Generally games will last about 20 minutes total. Anything longer is just dumb in general.

    6v6 is all about speed and MNC isn't really all that different. The options for speed are more limited but the idea to do things faster applies in any player vs. player context.
  5. azure

    azure Member

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    I'd like to chime in by saying that there really is no "winning" situation. I agree that on lower-player servers (even including 6v6), a single poor player can make a big difference to the quality of gameplay. However, the problem with creating a seperate game type specifically for beginners, assuming the goal is that they eventually join in Crossfire games (which it should be, Crossfire is the heart and soul of MNC), is that nothing, and I mean NOTHING, is equivalent of playing a match of 6v6. This goes double for modes which add new content that is mode specific and might confuse already "sensitive" players.

    At the moment better tutorials and matchmaking are what we need most, not a system which completely seperates the playerbase.
  6. Skull Man

    Skull Man New Member

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    Something that may help a bit is changing the the 3-Star Uber Servers to 2-Star Servers. Particularly after the last update, just about everyone under god's green earth is 2.00-3.99 stars, vets and noobs alike. As it stands now, Uber's 3-Star Servers aren't much of a haven for noobies.
  7. DelBoy

    DelBoy New Member

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    This thread full of people says hello.

    I wouldn't disagree with you if Uber was able to support more servers which would allow for a variety of ranks, but alas, not there yet. :(
  8. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    I don't see a problem with a scaled up mode. So long as the maps are made larger to compensate I don't see the issue. Large-scale battles are badass.

    I disagree with the reasons sort of. A large battle mode would definitely make individual players seem less of an issue, but I don't really think it's such a big issue that it needs fixed.

    I would LOVE to see 18v18. Absolutely LOVE to. I'm thinking 6 bot lanes, 2 annihilators, one that stuns everything and deals 10% damage another normal one. 2 juice dispensers, 1 bacon dispenser, 1 jackbot wave spawner. A super-sized Jackball with 25000 health. The game on crack.

    My computer unfortunately is lagging at the very idea.
  9. Z-UNIT

    Z-UNIT Active Member

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    +1 do want

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