In the lobby you can now select the Sandbox level under the AI for the skill level, but you still cant set any econ levels, is the intended for the future? because I often played the game giving myself a boost in econ over the AI to properly compete with it and I prefer giving myself a multiplier like that over just simple easy/medium/hard levels, it doesn't really tell me anything when the AI skill level is that way. You BADLY need to add the ability to add AI into player teams as well, not just adding AI as a separate team...
The skill levels at the moment are just that, econ levels: Code: self.aiLevel.subscribe(function (value) { switch (value) { case '0': self.economyFactor(0); break; case '1': self.economyFactor(0.5); break; case '2': self.economyFactor(1.0); break; case '3': self.economyFactor(1.5); break; }; So, "EASY" corresponds to an econ of 0.5. My guess is that they wanted to make it more user friendly.
Ah, no. I suppose there is a small chance it might be possible with a mod, but it would likely have been blocked at the server level. Otherwise players could just up their econ level in regular games again other players and with the current lobby there would be no way to tell.
feel stupid didn't even think about that.... was just thinking about AI matches.... your absolutely right...