Have you ever quit a match do to lag, sorry teammates, whatever and went to search for a new match only to keep getting put back in the same match? I usually quit matches whenever me and my team mate get split up, lag, or i joined a game in the middle and we're getting our @ssess handed to us. At these times i've quit a match and searched for a new one only to keep getting put back into the same match sometimes.
It's destiny ... Sometimes the great server gods insist you must lose. The only way I know to appease them is NOT quit and hope the next game goes better since you'll be in it from the begining.
I know wht you mean. The thing i hate the most is waiting till the match is over and then having the host quit. This used to happen to me quite frequently a few months ago. So then i started quiting.
There's usually only 1 match running for me on a good day so when I quit, it's after 2 hours. Besides, you change teams sometimes.
I hate joining a game under a minute from being over, leaving since its OBVIOUS my team is about to lose, then joining a new game and it not changing, and seeing "YOU LOSE" and our moneyball asplodin. Not fun.