... deos/19851 You guys seen the new trailer? The build-up is so big, and I think it's the ultimate climax _O- I laughed really hard. Who's excited for this?
I'm looking forward to it. It's been a while since I've heard any news and the last time I checked, they'd only announced that it was going to happen.
Here is a youtube link if you find the OP link slow like me. Also the trailer looks promising to keep the same goofy style they had in the second, which I loved.
I heard the game has a designated 'awesome button' that makes everything you do cooler. I'm taping that down when I play.
I'll most certainly be buying it. Saints row 2 was one of the funnest games I played in a loooong time. Riding a crotch rocket up the side of a skyscraper, anyone?
One of the funnest things to do in that game, if I dare say, especially seeing how far you can get up the Ultor building.
I bought it when I was at my Dad's and really got into it the night before I had to go to school. Oh yeah, BUMP Seriously this game is fun as crap. I like to body slam random people and nitro boost off roofs into a crowds of unsuspected civilians Dammit, Thom, you said you would play this game with me! :cry: