Robot Spawns Ate My Money!!!

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by marcotte, September 4, 2010.

  1. marcotte

    marcotte New Member

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    (The solution to this problem is simple - don't hammer the Down direction on the D-Pad when summoning robots.)

    I find that if you tap Down more than once, it spends your money at least twice on a Robot summon, but does nothing for it. I mean, it'd be cool if 200 bucks gave you a fully Overhealed little army of automated killers, but alas, she ain't like that.

    Just something to take note of, developers and players alike!
  2. Tiller

    Tiller Active Member

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    I see this sometimes with activating the Annihilator and spawning bots. You may spend double the cash or you might not get anything at all if you're pushed off before the animation is done.
  3. marcotte

    marcotte New Member

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    Juice Machines, Robot Spawns, and the Annihilator all do this. So does the Ejector, turrets are the only ones that don't due to a selection menu.

    You been told, straight from the Ammo Mule's ***(tm), folks. Don't span Down on the dPad. You too, could end up dropping a thousand bucks on Juice, or 500 for the Annihilator.

    (Edit) This issue is apparently already in the list of Glitches. My apologies for making light of something that's already been pointed out, you can delete this post unless it's helpful in informing others that they should not spam the down direction on the D-Pad unless they like paying double for everything.
    Last edited: September 5, 2010
  4. ckong

    ckong New Member

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    HA! i always wondered when i would have about $600, and be spamming bots in both lanes and i go to use the last $100 and its already gone and im like oh.. hmm?

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