Review of some top 500 players I've seen

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Liefglinde, October 10, 2010.

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  1. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Please note that just because you are in the top 500, it does not necessarily mean you are on this list. These are people that I personally have had gaming experience with.

    Any name beginning with "~~~" indicates that they are new to this list as of the last edit.

    1. dbowiLL- He didnt do too well as an Assasult in the game I played. I happened to kill him a few times, which lead to him accusing me of glitching and cussing me out and the like. Personally Id like to avoid playing with him again. EDIT: After talking to him again, he actually apologized for his behavior in the previous game. I was very pleasantly surprised, and have a newfound respect for him.

    4. BoltAktion Quite honestly I just realized that this name should probably be pronounced as Bolt Action instead of Bolt Akteeon like Ive been saying. An absolutely INCREDIBLE Assassin. I do not often do this, but I would gladly call Bolt the BEST Assassin to have ever played this game, by a longs shot. Incredible tactics and play style; an unbeatable force.

    9. JPMITCH32 played with this guy a few times. While I dont remember what class he played, I do remember that he did exceptionally well and I would definitely like to play with him again sometime.

    14. Himicane After our first game, he decided to send me a message calling me several inappropriate words. Why? Because I did better than him. I tried to be reasonable but he continued to insult me. EDIT: Actually a very reasonable guy if you get to know him, and an excellent player as well. I will have to play with him a few more times before submitting a full correction to my review.

    ~~~19. StarPilot87 Played with him yesterday, and while I seem to have this issue with forgetting what class people play, he did exceptionally well. He was consistently the only member of the other team that was giving me trouble.

    21. Manuoso Assassin, I believe? Whenever I see this guy in the lobby I always desperately hope hes on my team. If not, I get sad. Ive had more chances to play with him, and he is another, EXCEPTIONAL, Assassin.

    24. ThatsMyStappler I tend to get angry when I play against him. Why? Because he actually KNOWS how to beat an Assassin as a Gunner. That frustrates me Also, the name still makes me laugh uncontrollably.

    ~~~27. Bandit217 SHOTTY SUPPORT. All I have to say. That aside, a very good Support and one I hate for knowing that you cant hurt gun a cloaked Assassin :p

    ~~~35. PowerWeapoN This guy seems to like to kill me. A lot. Definitely a skilled Assassin, but I havent played with him enough to make any further judgments.

    33. Pyro the Fox A VERY good Support. Constantly irritates me and my friends when trying to get close to his base. What I like about him is that he knows how to play defense and offense, and do both well.

    38. SXD24 Never played against him, and quite frankly dont want to. EDIT: Finally played against him its not fun if you dont like to lose. A VERY good Gunner, a better Support, and rather awesome person in general. His turtling skills will make you cry. Also the inventor of turrents. If that doesnt say awesome nothing does. Oh yeah the sig also makes me laugh. Every time.

    42. I3illy Rueben Played with this guy several times. I think he plays Tank, but I cant remember right now. Either way, he is a very good player, and someone you do NOT want to go up against.

    46. SOME NOVACAIN Played with this guy today. A very good Gunner; one of the few I would not charge, since I know I would fail. Miserably. Hes rather fun to play against because hes good but not impossible to beat. Gave me quite a fun challenge.

    48. Im Hudson If this guy gets put on a team against me, I will NOT play. Why? Because I dont enjoy getting my face torn off, glued back on, and then torn off again. He is the one Tank everyone will dread to play because hes TOO GOOD. DO YOU HEAR ME HUDSON? STOP BEING GOOD. He will also Billy Mays/Stickerz you. Its not fun. Oh, and if hes on your team, everything is happy go fun time lucky land.

    49. Liefglinde Hudson would be 1 above me. I play Assassin, and Im starting to play Support, Sniper, and Tank a little more. Im pretty fun to play with, hit me up.

    ~~~58. Buddyth3E1F Jerkface meanie Tank ? I believe we only got to play a few games before I ragequit on him, but when we played together it was an unstoppable force of death >:D A very good Tank.

    59. Tikigamer A VERY good Sniper. He will snipe your face off and then do it again before you even know whats happening. Love the name too.

    64. DS ShockTrooper Its very rare that I see a good Assault. Heres one of them. Absolutely incredible tactics, and one of the few Assaults that gives me issues.

    75. Miss Informed I only have one thing to say. STOP ASSASSINATING ME. That is all. My rant aside, a skilled Assassin who will NOT charge you head on, so look out behind you!

    ~~~77. Trixie Koontz While I didnt remember playing with them before, I saw that I had them muted last night, which could not have been a good thing. Either way, a decent Gunner to say the least, but I was only able to play one game with them.

    99. tizzlejuice Another one of those Tanks who sees Assassins and laughs. As an Assassin this makes me sad. All in all, a very good Tank; do NOT rush head on. Also, hes a cool guy who isnt afraid to give a compliment where one is deserved.

    ~~~114. kckzi A better Assassin than he gives himself credit for, hes one of the few I actually have to keep my guard up around. Another one of those Assassins who knows not to face grapple a tank :p

    134. Gregyyyy Played with this Support for the first time today, and basically every death in that game for me was Airstrike-Gregyyyy. IRRITATING. But an excellent Support nonetheless

    ~~~137. bearbonez When I see this Tank coming around the corner, I dont do what I usually do and rush behind, back grapple, and lunge kill. Because I cant. Hes good, VERY good, and will burn your face off :p

    141. Dark Heart BFMV Played with this Tank today, and I must say it was a blast. He is an excellent Tank, and I like to think Im a good Assassin. We went after each other like crazy, and Im sure we both killed each other in ways neither of us thought possible. I would most definitely like to play with him again.

    ~~~145. DemonDiz An excellent offensive Support, fully capable of completely shutting down an entire bot lane by himself. Very impressive, to say the least.

    156. Elbowtickle007 Cant remember the class. I was too distracted by the message he sent me after the match containing every swear known to mankind. A (somewhat) decent player, but one Id like to avoid.

    172. StreetRx925 The reason for most of my rage quits. :p Assassination after assassination after assassination. A very good Assassin.

    213. RAMBO AMOK STOP KILLING ME T_T. That was me in my match against him. I wanna say he was a Tank/Gunner either way he killed me. Repeatedly. It was not fun. That aside, he is most definitely an excellent player.

    ~~~221. thee3nd Played with this guy last night, and I gotta say, no one person has caused me so much irritation playing as several different classes. I must commend him for his ability to play many classes well.

    365. Rev Rabies Remind me never to try to kill this person if he plays Assassin. An excellent Assassin with absolutely incredible tactics. A cool person too.

    394. Randomdude02 Excels in almost every class, and not someone you want to play against, because he will eat your face. An excellent player and cool person who has become lost in the world of Reach. EDIT: Apparently he has resigned himself to going 2-27 in every match, but hes still fun to play with :p

    500+. JAY JINDO Ive seen him as a few classes, and he excels at every one. Someone I always want to have on my team.
    Last edited: October 15, 2010
  2. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    I saw nothing about Stickerz, so I'm going to assume I had an "off" game.

    But seriously, thanks. Was a very interesting read considering I recognize a good number of the names. :p

    Oh, SXD does not actually PLAY gunner. That's just his "Hudson Killing Class," or as I refer to it, the "Billy Mays Magnet." :lol:
  3. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Ah, he must have played that at least once when I played with you guys, because for some reason that's all I remember. And by stickerz do you mean that goddang product grenade that you seem to live for? :p
  4. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    He plays some gunner, but I've always called him a support player first and foremost, given the fact hes tied for my favorite support right now, and written one of the best guides on the forums for it.

    And yes on the Billy Mays Question.
  5. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Oh shoot that's right he does play Support... btw are you playing right now? I can get on :p
  6. SHAP00PI

    SHAP00PI New Member

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    I wouldn't mind hitting both you guys up if you wouldn't mind? I don't know many people who play mnc, and thus am usually by myself, not fun, let me know :)
  7. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    Ya its bolt action

    I think I got you on my list, ill look for ya next time I'm on.

    Lately I have been playing less and when I do, it is in a 3-4 person locked party due to how the game loves to split larger party's EVERY SINGLE TIME.

    Send me a msg if you see me on though

    Ya this was a fun and interesting read I must agree. I have played with Most of those players at some point.

    I'm Pretty sure we ALL have a "Hudson killing class" at this point, you know mine all too well I think.

    I can kill hudson as an assassin (I MELEE KILLED HUDSON AS AN ASSASSIN)
    But if I make even the slightest hint of a mistake, or if he see/hears me coming.......
    I'm dead.
    Usually just play it safe and shoot at him with stars and watch him jump around. :twisted:

    He uses aimbot for his stickers, true story.

    I play a LOT with greggy/hudson/mano/stappler/rev/sdx
    All of them great players and fun guys to joke with
    I can't count the number of times I have bursted into full blown laughter at the crazy silly crap we do in pubs

    -sniper arm flail-
  8. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    His main class is gunner. I was the support almost always behind him, overhealing him so he could do and take monstrous damage. ;)
    He works for the military and I do believe he hasn't signed on in a while because the military sent him somewhere.
  9. mintycrys

    mintycrys New Member

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    I've played maybe only six or seven people on this list (including a few forum members), and only half of them were good, one or two were great, and a couple were mind-numbingly BAD.

    I have Dark Heart BFMW avoided because he was hosting one day, and the lag was so atrocious that he was the only person with more than 2 kills in a 10-minute game.

    Pyro The Fox, though, played a wonderful team-based Support and loyally camped in our base and kept things going smoothly enough for my team and I to push the front corners. I think he only went 2-1, but we had fully overhealed and hacked RockIts by the end of the game. A+++++++ WOULD PLAY AGAIN
  10. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    I will play against Hudson gladly. I have no problem losing.

    Some cheap bastards I have problems with, but it has nothing to do with someone being merely good. Hudson's a pleasure to have in a party, friend or foe.
  11. undeadlunatic

    undeadlunatic New Member

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    haha ive got jpmitch on my friends list hes an amazing gunner he just hasnt been on in like ever. another one you might wanna put on your list is some gothic kid amazing sniper. i was playing with him and he went 54-7-0 as a sniper
  12. IlliniJen

    IlliniJen New Member

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    No, it's "Boolt Actung." And I imagine you wear lederhosen.
  13. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    In my experience (which means this might not be an accurate representation of the player):

    I've played a number of games against Gothic, and waaaaaay too many of them go to overtime (which we immediately win with a juice rush, which is why you DON'T go to overtime). After playing against him a few times, I've noticed he plays pretty much the same spots on every map, often down to the ice trap placement.

    Once you figure out where he is/what he does, you can just push the other side of the map, and he usually won't come help defend until the ball is down and has lost a considerable amount of health. Greg and I joined his party one day and left after one game because of the epeen obnoxiousness in the chat.

    He's a good marksman for sure, but I would take unic0rn, taterz or WeaponX on my team any day of the week, because they actually seem to go for the objective while being good marksmen. (Maybe Gothic does and I've just NEVER been in one of those games, so I apologize if my observations do not match up with how he typically plays)
  14. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    gothic is too busy playing deathmatch to play crossfire
  15. IlliniJen

    IlliniJen New Member

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    Hmmm....I don't have "deathmatch" in my menu options. I must have gotten a gimped version of the game.
  16. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    He is too busy killing other players to shot bots, turrets, or the money ball.
  17. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    He shoots bots and turrets, but it seems like he only does so to get juice and saves that for when people figure out where he puts his traps.
  18. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    I lost my 4.0 K/D the other day thanks to your sniper shannagins. lol
  19. StreetRx925

    StreetRx925 New Member

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    w00t made the list! I'd like too see some sort of 1 vs 1 tourney arranged with all the people mentioned. Would be very interesting. :)
  20. Manouso

    Manouso New Member

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    Damn, I stop playing for a few days and Stapler makes it above me when someone makes a list...

    Thanks man, and yeah Assassin is my main, but I've been playing pretty much everything lately. After the patch I'll be on an assassin binge though. ;)

    As for you, I have the same exact opinion: Hope you're on my team lol. Always good to play with another good assassin.

    Good to see you on the boards street! ...another ridiculously good assassin
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