So what are you guy's opinion on the current spread a number of metal spots? Personally? There are 10 time to many metal spots, and it catapults the games action and need to massively boom to ludicrous levels. Not to mention makes moons massively overpowered and easy to hold for defective purposes, at least when compared to planets. We need much less metal on planets, thus making the early game a little easier of a curve for newer players, and making the fight over them all the more important. Just, too much metal yo!
Agreed. Too much metal. And smashable bodies should take a hit in metal since they have an added benefit of being smashable.
I was going to say that zero should mean zero, but I loaded up my slider test system and for density, it does. You'd still have to convince Uber to change the default systems.
Metal spots are invisible in the system designer, making it really difficult to create planets that have the desired metal distribution, and the sliders are intuitive.
Way too many metal spots overall, especially on smashables (which should really have only very few if any at all).
Its all dependant on the system you create. As far as i know its pretty well managable but that doesn't mean all systems you play on are good. It takes time and luck to get the metal and the spawns right, and when you got a planet like that it might change after a patch so then you basicly need to double check it again and change it if its gone bad.
Wait, really? Damn. I did the system for round 4 of the Do-Si-Do on the basis that 0 made millions of mex (i.e. I avoided using it).
i should be able to put in exactly how many metalspots i want .. the sliders should merely change how many are grouped toghether and how far spread over the planet ... i think that would work far better for metal distribution
TA had the right idea. Boom the early game with depleting deposits, sustain the economy with a modest amount of unlimited metal, and the endgame will naturally follow. Why is this so hard to understand? The world may never know.