There are none, fullscreen basically just is a screen-sized window mode with no borders. So it uses the same resolution as your desktop.
I don't think so. Personally I don't see why anybody would a "real" fullscreen anyway, as at least on windows that commpletely screws you over if you have more than 1 screen. Though the current implementation of PA fullscreen on AMD windows triggers a weird behavior were gaining/loosing focus flickers all screens. It seems the drivers tries to do some under the hoods magic for "wannabe fullscreen" applications, so I still use my own script that resizes PA to screensize+1 pixels, so the driver doesn't realize what is going on. I guess on linux you have a reason to want real fullscreen?
I've never even considered a resolution setting would be used like that. I mean the image quality suffers if you have the screen set to a non-native resolution, doesn't it? I guess your only option is to change your desktop resolution when you are doing that, which can be a little annoying. Maybe you could write a script, just like I have one to resize PA, to set your desktop resolution when you start/quit PA.
That´s not the way Interface should be done. The good thing of the current way Uber is dealing with resolutions is that you ALWAYS get highest InterfaceQuality possible! If somebody doesn´t have the hardwarepower needed for 1080P, this person can change "resolution scale" to 5o% and get Upsampling without any change in InterfaceQuality or Scale of Interface! If somebody wanna the game to be rendered in 1620P on a 1080P-Screen, that person moves the resScaleSlider up to 150% the interface doesn´t turn incredible small. Problem: Right now the SIZE of the interface is totally fixed. You´ve got no control of it! It´s definitivly better than to bind it to Resolutions, as lowering Res to get a bigger Interface should never be a method any gamer should have to use! But it´s not perfect! -> The thing you´re asking for should not be freedom of resolutions, it should be scaleable Interface!