I was wondering if there's a way to do this without losing custom classes(protags are moot: I could earn the one I prefer in ten minutes anyways :lol: ). I've earned all but maybe twenty of my levels in Blitz, so I'd be interested in having my level closer reflect the amount(or rather lack) of skill I have. Is there any way?
OMG I wanna go negative! Pleaaase let us go backwards! I would so sport a -1 forever and always try and be an Iceman.
My Dear Wolf, You will keep your custom classes and protags when you reach/reset to level zero. Thankyou for playing monday night combat and we appreciate your Questions and are looking forward to replying with answers. From "Secret Identity" *Not Affiliated with Uber*
My Dear Wolf, Sorry if I misinterpreted your question Mr Wolf. Well you see sir this game doesn't reflect on skill on rank but solely on the amount of time you've putt in to the game. For example it's ranking system is like Call of Duty, weather or not your the worst player on the planet anyone can reach the highest level. It is not "skilled" base game like persay Halo 3 where you would actually have to win the games to level up. As you can see the game by design is used to attract little boys and girls which are our intended audience but we occasionally get the try hards from the halo and call of duty series. To make a answer short weather or not you earned your skill or not it is not possible to. An besides if your playing blitz it probably wouldn't matter because no one is going to judge your skill in that boring playing list. *not affiliated with uber, From Unknown User/Gamertag"