Hi, I own a Monday Night Combat server with Gameservers.com, i recently noticed you added Reserved slots to servers and im trying to figure out how to get them to work. I have tried a few things so far: Hostileaccess.ini file Tried VIP Commands given on a different forum with steamids and in-game ids but still nothing, is there a certain place in the ini file they need to be? a certain format? do they need to be in brackets? or in """""" 's Help would be appreciated as i do get donations for the server so VIP slots are needed asap. Thanks
Our HostileAccess.ini looks like this [Engine.AccessControl] BannedIDs=0x0110000102EFAAE1 BannedIDs=0x0110000103948839 more stuff..... UberBannedIDs[34]=0x01100001009C26B8 VIPIDs=0x0110000104524662 VIPIDs=0x01100001038A3308 VIPIDs=0x0110000102AFBBE4 VIPIDs=0x0110000100C046F2 VIPIDs=0x0110000100458ECB VIPIDs=0x0110000102512A74 VIPIDs=0x011000010073CC23