Request for new stat tracked: Games Won/Games Lost/W:L Ratio

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by FriedrichPsitalon, December 25, 2010.

  1. FriedrichPsitalon

    FriedrichPsitalon New Member

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    Wanted to throw this out for consideration:

    In theory at least, MNC is a team game. In a team game, individual skill and success IS important - not arguing that - but more important is your overall contribution to the team, and the team's success.

    Right now, though, there is no impetus/motivation/encouragement to win - only to kill enemy pros for that coveted Crossfire KDA.

    I'd like to propose that another stat (three, really) be tracked:

    Crossfire Games Won
    Crossfire Games Lost
    Crossfire Games W/L Ratio

    Now, I'll be the first to admit I'm biased. A good Support gets a decent number of kills, but nowhere near the number a good Tank or a good Gunner should be racking up. I'm fine with that - I've always been a team player. It might be nice, though, to encourage people to remember and strive for the greater objective: the team winning.

    Just to throw it out there, perhaps we could also see the CG: W/L to something that would be motivational. Perhaps a particularly high W/L ratio could result in getting higher than average experience for a game won, increasing your level (although this does nothing as far as I know) a bit faster. Or, if we don't want to go that route on the grounds of penalizing learning/newer players, simply say "Winning team gets a 50% experience/payout bonus."

    Right now, it's not clear - at least to me - what motivation there is for a team to win, as opposed to camping the enemy's spawn hall and tearing them up until they grief-quit. We don't even track wins, nevermind award tags for them. How about a 10/25/50/100/500 games won tag? What about a games-won-in-a-streak tag? I know I'd be likely to respect the guy with the 25-game-win-streak tag, heh.

    So, how about it? CG W/L? Let's reward people - or at least give them the chance/ability to brag - for winning games in this TEAM game. :)
  2. MrRedDragon

    MrRedDragon New Member

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    One way I can imagine this going wrong is people wanting to get a 25 streak tag leaving a game when it appears they are losing to preserve their winning streak.

    Maybe some tags that merely represent your number of wins. I'd also suggest tags for accumulated losses, since that also fits in with the tone of a number of other tags in the game (Better things to do).
  3. epyx

    epyx New Member

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    so add a "games ragequit"
  4. Demigod At Play

    Demigod At Play New Member

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    Better yet just end streaks if they quit during a match. Don't count it as a loss, just cut their streak short. Seems fair, right?
  5. Gturtle

    Gturtle New Member

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    category should be "Tantrums thrown"

    ed; or "Crashes had" depending on how cynical you are
  6. Providence

    Providence New Member

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    This idea is good when a competitive mode comes out. I don't like it for the random games right now, too many variables.
  7. Rammite

    Rammite New Member

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    I agree. I'm the kind of player who throws all caution out the window the take 20% off the moneyball's health, the one who rarely focuses on killing, and more on objectives.

    As such, my KDR is 0.3, but I've won at least 3 times more than I've lost.
  8. Pluberus

    Pluberus New Member

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    But what about ~ changeteam exploiters?

    There needs to be some kind of "cooldown" on that command before this can be implemented. Otherwise, I agree 100% with this idea. :D
  9. Terror

    Terror New Member

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    people ragequit anyways. i do it myself too since theres no point in getting stomped 3-4 vs 6

    love the forced start :roll:
  10. MrRedDragon

    MrRedDragon New Member

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    Even if you are bound to lose, you still get experience for your level along with lifetime earnings that add to your cash on hand. Ragequiting hurts even the ragequiter.
  11. Terror

    Terror New Member

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    Not really fun. Dont care about levels or lifetime earnings
  12. MikeyTWolf

    MikeyTWolf New Member

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    Particularly as they don't do anything, except make the autobalance so poor it's not even funny half the time.
  13. Tomas

    Tomas New Member

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    I'm fine with it, but I know for a fact that it's going to produce a lot more rage as people will blame their team for permanently and irreversably "hurting" their pro record. You can say people will rage anyway, but there's a big difference of mentality between games where wins are tracked and those where they aren't.
  14. FriedrichPsitalon

    FriedrichPsitalon New Member

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    Swap the word "wins" in for "kills" and you've got the game as it exists now anyhow. What's the difference? I'd at least like to give the team players, not the ego-headhunters, something to be proud of, too.

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