Request for Devs: Critical Shot Information

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Im Hudson, November 8, 2010.

  1. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    [Before people cite the wiki numbers, the devs have posted that the wiki is incorrect on certain topics like Maximum Health/Armor, so I'm skeptical of any wiki numbers]

    I know you are generally against posting actual numbers for things (such as numbers for HP/Health), but could you please post the actual numbers for:

    -Base Critical Chance (%) for the different classes (with and without passives which alter crit)

    -% critical chance increase that each level of endorsement grants

    I'm asking about these because in my experience no very few people really run critical shot outside of a few odd ball gunner/assault builds.

    Critical chance is something that the players probably NEED to know because testing for it is so difficult in terms of discovering the practical effects of it and it is currently hard to figure out where in our builds that crit chance could possibly fit over other benefits that endorsements grant.

    Knowing if the Gold endorsement gave a 5% increase in crit vs a 25% increase in crit would go a LONG way in factoring into some of my builds. I know it is more potential damage but I would like to know how much more so I could figure out where to put it in terms of priority from Gold to Bronze.

    It would also go a long way in dictating if a passive is truly worth upgrading. I could make a cost benifit analysis a lot easier knowing the actual percentage (IE: Am I paying 150/400 for a 1% increase or a 10% increase)
  2. Ninja Wallace

    Ninja Wallace New Member

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    I'd also really like to know this. As of right now I absolutely never upgrade to passive 3 on my Assault, as it doesn't really seem worth it, but it could be that I've just had bad luck.

    Though honestly, probably the only way I'd ever buy it is if the percentage got raised a fair amount or it gave a better benefit, like increased clip size.
  3. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    I actually don't like the idea of critical shot all that much, I guess I'm kinda angered by my TF2 days. What, with crit rockets totally swinging a fight i'm otherwise winning into my bits splattered across the floor.

    Luckily its not such a drastic effect here as it was in that game. Although I've rolled gold crit and it seemed to do almost nothing in terms of actual purple bullet output. I was far better off rolling things that improved my weapon all the time, not just sometimes. Crit, for me=great for skills, not for endorsements.
  4. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    that's why you play a crit server, scout do stickies though
  5. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    Ack! I tried that once. NEVER AGAIN.

    It was on Lazytown Lazynite. Heavy+100%=fear. Not to mention Demoman nade spam was atrocious. O.O
  6. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    i second this, please let this be the first(and probably last) unverifiable info the devs release.
  7. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    The problem with posting crit numbers is that they can very easily be read wrong. A crit percentage for one weapon has a vastly different effect on another weapon.

    I can, however, tell you how it works.

    Every time your gun shoots, you roll your chance to make a critical attack. If it succeeds, all your subsequent attacks for the next set amount of time will be critical. That time is usually one second.

    So... using critical attack on a slow firing weapon has substantially less chances to roll a positive crit than a faster firing weapon. The minigun may get 20x more chances to crit than something like the rail gun.

    Then the damage done is multiplied by the crit multiplier.

    When it comes to endorsements, both the crit multiplier and the crit chance go up. These are increased with the crit chances that the Assault gets through his passive, the Gunner gets while deployed and the Assassin gets after a cloak.

    Juicing gives you a 100% chance to crit, so taking crit endorsements or using these skills while juiced will increase the damage you do while juiced.
  8. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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    Can we get a formula for damage bonuses from crits? That would be lovely :D
  9. Ninja Wallace

    Ninja Wallace New Member

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    So, having posted how it works, couldn't you then post the numbers? I see very little room for confusion, and I think it'd be good for the community. Though that was an interesting post.
  10. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    Damage * Critical Multiplier = New Damage

    I thought that was pretty straight forward.

    Again, I don't post actual numbers because I'd spend more time explaining them when I could be working on more new stuff for MNC.
    Seeing the numbers don't do you any good because you have to work with them in the actual environment of the game. The numbers are all interwoven with each other.
    My old boss once said "Balance is like having a wall of levers, every time you move one ten other ones on the wall will randomly move in different directions."
  11. Vinticus

    Vinticus New Member

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    So to be absolutely clear: crit endorsements add chance and damage done by criticals?
  12. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    Yes, the higher level critical hit endorsement you take the higher the chance to have a crit and the more damage you'll do when you crit.
  13. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    :D Thread Successful :D
  14. alanebro82

    alanebro82 New Member

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    This might be a dumb question... but can every gun in the game crit (namely the jet gun)? How about melee attacks from pros?

  15. Vinticus

    Vinticus New Member

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    I might have to build a new shuriken spam class then. :twisted:
  16. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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    A fast, cloakable critwhore? Me likey.
  17. MojoTeq

    MojoTeq New Member

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    THIS x 4

    I have been working with one lately myself. I almost pooped myself while reading this thread.
  18. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    I can stick rate of fire on my gun and see the gun shoots a hell of a lot faster. Criticals by their very nature are just not easy to tell if they're doing much of anything. The game doesn't tell you purple bullets are criticals. The game doesn't tell you all hits while juiced are critical. The game doesn't really tell you much of anything about this endorsement.

    This is really nice information to know and we appreciate you taking the time to tell us. Largely speaking criticals are still a mystery; as a result it's hard to know how to use them effectively.

    From what you've said it sounds like every gun has a different effect with each level of endorsement upgrade. That's probably a lot more complicated than we thought it might be. I don't think anyone's hoping for a spread sheet of the MNC weapon data (although I know a few of us would spend the time looking over that data).

    Is there any chance of learning approximately how much damage the crit mutiplier is increased? Could you please tell us how much any one weapon's chance of scoring a critical hit is improved by the endorsement? Even if we only had the info for one weapon (or each piece of information for a different weapon) we might be able to gauge if it's worth it. If you haven't caught our drift, right now literally no one is saying criticals are worth an endorsement slot. I think this is the prevailing opinion because no one is certain this endorsement is really working when they use it (placebo effect anyone).

    Posting these two bits of information about different weapons would give us a basis of comparison and would still leave most of the information safe and secure (out of our hands)
  19. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    That's how critical shots ARE. You don't USE them effectively, you play the game normally and crit shots can randomly swing things in your favor (if you're hitting them)

    As it worked in TF2, You had a chance at randomly firing a crit, or a wave of crits in the case of rapid fire guns. Exactly as it works here. The exception being that the critical effect is much more subtle in MNC over TF2. You don't get the CLANG with the green letters over their name, you just get a purple shot/bullets.

    It seems that the crit endorsement would be most effective in the hands of an assassin with the waves of crit shurikens, as you can control one wave of criticals. However, this power will be most effective vs bots, naturally.

    The multiplier also explains why juice rushes in OT were so effective. Given a much higher multiplier with 100% crits was brutal. Especialy with rail/sniper.
  20. Red Rain

    Red Rain New Member

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    only gun that cant crit atm is heal/hurt gun

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