[REQ] Advanced Storages

Discussion in 'Mod Discussions' started by Azzarrel, January 10, 2015.

  1. Azzarrel

    Azzarrel New Member

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    I'd like to have advanced storages, being able to hold 10x the ammount of the small ones.

    storages are kinda worthless in the mid and endgame of this game. Even due I own whole planets with nothing but storages a few nukes can drain them empty in seconds. It would be great if there is a better way to store energy and metal than paving the planet with these small storages.

    a single nuke for instance needs 32000 metal (which are ~1.5 metal storages and 18000 energy per second (a whole energy storage every 5 seconds)
    building a single nuke would consume 12960000 energy, which means you'd have to build 129 energy storages to be able to build a single nuke with your energy reserves - thats absurd !
    Advanced storgages would not only allow players to store more energy, but it would also make it a valuable tactic to attack an enemies storages, because he may lose a lot of his resources throgh this.
    It would also increase your buffer during the costly fabrication periods.

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