Repository for Unit Models for mods?

Discussion in 'Mod Discussions' started by raymanic13, April 18, 2015.

  1. raymanic13

    raymanic13 New Member

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    Good morning/afternoon everyone. Im quite interested in going ahead and making a mod, a balance/game rework mod to be precise, and ive been diving into the JSON files and such and ive gotten a pretty good understanding of what I need to be doing if I was to get started now.

    Only problem is that, I cant model. I've tried, over and over again. My models look awful, and i have horrible taste in designs anyways. Basically, seeing the rebalance/rework mods are probably going to include more units in them, Im going to need more models than currently available in the game, only problem is whats mentioned above. Is there a repository for models, or any mods that have licenses that allow me to use their models or such? It would be greatly appreciated, as if there are models lying around that I can try and fiddle with, I might actually be able to get started with what I am doing.

    Thank you!
  2. zx0

    zx0 Well-Known Member

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    You can use models from my mod if you want.

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