Reporting Hackers/Aimbotters

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by ukystout, December 21, 2010.

  1. ukystout

    ukystout New Member

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    I already found one. He even has a link on his profile to artificial aiming. I mean seriously, he went 10-0 and won the match within 2 minutes. Then he goes 4-0 the next match within 10 seconds of starting.

    Please ban this guy, please.

    Oh and devs, please respond and tell us how you are going to be dealing with these hackers. This is the third one I have seen.

    EDIT: Im going to make a list of known/suspected hackers. Went 10-0 and won the game within 2 minutes

    STEAM_0:1:24630640 This guy is also friends with the one above. I witnessed him cheating in a game. He was playing sniper and went 36-2.

    STEAM_0:1:34118135 Reported by players.

    STEAM_0:1:30032924 Reported by players.

    Last edited: December 23, 2010
  2. sacrificial_soul

    sacrificial_soul Member

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    lol, if that link on his ID is where he got the hack then he is paying money to cheat. I say let him cheat if his life is so sad that he must spend money to be good at something :D
  3. Dranearian

    Dranearian New Member

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    Either way, he is cheating. Just had him joint he server I was on. Insta-headshotting anyone that pokes out as sniper. Pretty obvious it was a hack when he started shooting the floor when a guy went under the bridge he was standing on.
  4. racquemis

    racquemis New Member

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    Steam Id of WowThoseAreHuge is

    Identify SteamID:
    using your browser(not the steam one)
    go to the profile in question, and right click "Add to your friends list"
    In the dropdown menu select properties.
    You will see a url with some numbers in it.
    Copy these numbers, then use the following website to find the SteamID
    you can also view the source of the page in which you can find the same number, this can also be done witin steam itself (rightclick page>view source)

    Server Owners: how to ban hackers (workaround)
    open your dedicatedserver.log, and search for the Steam ID
    If you can't find the ID multiply the SteamID by two and try again.
    (This is based on my own findings, my server advertises the OwnerPlayerID as 31351464, but if i use the website to find my ID it reports 15675732 which is exactly half of the first value.)
    Look for the line that says: DevOnline: ONGSclientApprove - ClientID:xxxxxxxx (where x is the steamID)
    In the line just somewhere above it you will find the IP adress asociated with. the line begins with NetComeGo: Open TheWorld....
    Block the IP in your router or firewall.

    Until admin tools come along, this will be a crude method against hackers.
    It's untested atm,i have not had any hackers on my server yet and no reports of it by players. but i' m quite sure this will work
    Last edited: December 21, 2010
  5. viperfx

    viperfx New Member

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    Good tip, post it on the steam forums. However it might not work if he has a dynamic IP.
  6. racquemis

    racquemis New Member

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    i bet someone could make a small tool to scan through the server logs for the steamID (that one cannot be changed) and the find the IP associated with it. just keep on banning them xD.

    as i said not as good as the webadmin tools, but better then nothing
  7. Gturtle

    Gturtle New Member

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  8. racquemis

    racquemis New Member

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    Best is to also list the server he was one, if the server owner reads it's he can take action

    maybe best to include some screenshots as proof to.
  9. Gturtle

    Gturtle New Member

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    Screenshots aren't going to demonstrate anything other than he was on a given server.

    I also don't expect server admins to ban somebody solely because of a post on the forums, but I think the community has a right to know if somebody is (suspected of) hacking, so if they join a game with that individual they know they're not going to have very much fun and can leave instead of wasting the next ten minutes of their life. If a server admin is playing and sees that individual join his server, he'll know to watch him.
  10. racquemis

    racquemis New Member

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    you got a point there
  11. Huff

    Huff New Member

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    one of his friends named umadbro? is also doing this as a sniper.
    super speed and never misses a shot.
  12. ShimmyCocoaPop

    ShimmyCocoaPop New Member

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    So just because you get owned ingame you go running off to the developers?

    Need a pacifier?
  13. FriedrichPsitalon

    FriedrichPsitalon New Member

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    Posts suggesting someone else is immature and babyish rarely accomplish anything save to confirm the problem exists in the poster.
  14. kurina

    kurina Member

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    It seems like a valid complaint to me overall. Right now we need to be testing this game and trying as much as possible so we can report to the developers. When you have hackers/cheaters preventing people from doing so, that doesn't bode well for the game itself, as it means less chance to catch and report bugs.

    Being owned is one thing, but there are some very blatant hackers right now that are not even trying to hide it. At least they still seem few in number compared to the general population, so it isn't a major deal, but it is by no means helping the beta test either.
  15. ukystout

    ukystout New Member

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    Running off the developers? Yes that is exactly what im doing. Aimbotting is an active problem in ALL online shooting games, it is just a matter of what the developers do to decrease and eliminate this problem.

    When I saw this person cheating it disgusted me and I quit the game immediately. Playing with people who are cheating is only demoting the game and provides a negative experience for anyone in the same game.

    There is no need to bash me, and act immature. It only makes it look like you are one of these cheaters.
  16. Hako

    Hako New Member

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    I suggest they talk to HiRez about anti-hacker methods. They really have their **** together when it comes to that.

    I also suggest they don't post their methods because then the hackers know what won't work.
  17. LennardF1989

    LennardF1989 Uber Contractor

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    Eventually the game will be protected by VAC, which has quite good method of protecting the important variables in memory (and kicking you when they get changed by whatever).

    Untill that time, I would add the following simple "method" to the game (aimed at the developers):
    - Add a global config int array variable in the GameInfo class called something like BannedID
    - Inside HostileGame.ini add lines like
    - On the event "PreLogin" you can acquire the SteamID of a user (as you can see in the log). Check if it's inside the dynamic array you defined earlier (Find command, should be fast enough), if it is, set the ErrorMessage to be "Banned" and refuse the connection.

    (IT's really as simple as that, GameInfo is alrwady linked to a INIfile and setting a variable to "config" makes it read out its values from the INI file)

    Problem solved, for now. Only thing we would have to do is keep a list of ID's on this forum for people to put in their INI file, simple non-automated protection, but effective. Heck, I could literally write a small tool in less than an hour for the community to auto-update their config file, which I would love to contribute.
  18. Huff

    Huff New Member

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    like a player blacklist feature for server hosts? that'd be pretty cool actually.
    (didn't you make an audiosurf addon a long while back?)
  19. LennardF1989

    LennardF1989 Uber Contractor

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    Yes, that's the idea.

    Indeed I did.

    Suprisingly it still works, but I would add "custom tag" support if I made it now.
  20. Llamatron

    Llamatron New Member

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    The big difference is that in MNC people run their own servers, so I doubt it is possible to use the same ways to detect hackers than in GA where everyone plays on servers ran by the company, which allows them to monitor and datamine everything happening especially since so much stuff is handled server side.

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