As an administrator of several other forums, I am speaking from experience. Please do not reply to spam/bot-created threads. It makes the job of cleaning them up much more difficult, as each thread must then be manually deleted. After banning a bot, the administrator will then delete all posts made by that bot. If the bot was the only thing to reply in any given topic, the topic will vanish. Otherwise, mods/admins must then do a sweep to delete manually all the threads where people replied to the bot. This does not apply to bot posts made in the middle of human-made threads. Additionally, please do not quote the bots. The admins/mods may forget to delete your quote, and then the bots text remains in the forums sometimes with links. Then the bot has served its purpose, which is always bad. I hate to request a sticky of my own post, but the bot problem will only continue to grow (again, from experience). Sticky please? L. Spiro
math time! a=b b=c some people=a broT=c, then: some people = a = b = c = broT therefore: some people = a = b = broT and then: some people = a = broT and finally: some people = broT
I don't know if I should sticky this or just keep bumping it?... :? I mean these forums do have a spambot "problem."
if you want stretch, i could just bump it every couple of days or so with a super-cool flooding of hammer.
Lol, and it is all my fault too, huh? Oh, and fyi, I really am the spambot too. I got bored, got on a proxy site, and made a new account, just to make random golf posts and threads. Then, I got on my other account really really fast, just to reply to them. I moderate boards too, big deal, just delete them. I am pretty sure they have to manually delete the threads anyway, since they have to manually delete the user's posts anyway, since deleting the user DOESN'T get rid of his posts. Many banned members still have posts in these forums. The ones who don't, were cleaned up manually. I wasn't even the one at fault, I didn't make golf threads, don't go pointing fingers at me.
Speaking for myself, I did not point fingers. But deleting all posts made by a bot is just a matter of a drop-down box and a button click in phpBB3 (phpBB2 required extensions). This is only available to administrators, at least on my forums. I only wanted to point this out because not so many people administrate forums and most people will not really realize they are making extra work for the administrators. It is an honest mistake. L. Spiro
I will take this into consideration and just not do it, for the sake of you seeming to be possibly right. Since I don't know for sure, it doesn't hurt either way...