Replays also saved to savegames?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by sokolek, September 17, 2012.


Do you want to have replays also saved to savegame files? (explained below poll)

  1. Yes

    7 vote(s)
  2. No

    0 vote(s)
  3. I don't care

    7 vote(s)
  1. sokolek

    sokolek Member

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    Those who play "campaign" (galactic skirmish or whatever it is called) should also have ability to save replays. The problem with replays in Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance (FA) is such, that if you reload saved skirmish game in FA you loose your replay (at least to the save time point). If sessions in PA are going to be long it would be great to have replay data saved to the savegame file, so once you win or loose you could replay whole replay not only since you saved. Maybe this problem is going to be solved in another way. How?

    If multiplayer is going to have save feature (as far as I know it isn't) then replaydata should be also saved to its savefile too.
  2. gleming

    gleming New Member

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    From the livestream that they dd I believe they mentioned that they would include a way for all games to be saved including online server games so that even the server could be shut down and the game restarted later. While I don't know if pairing the replay file with the save file is a good or bad idea, I do know that they want a way to spectate a game so the server for the game would probably have a continuously updating replay file which may or may not be separate. I don't know much more other than that but I don't think that they would make a system for PA where loading a saved game or a replay would effect the other one except in the instance where loading the saved game would continue to update the replay past that point. (with the replay able to be watched of course while being written to so that it can be viewed/spectated, probably with a delay as done in games like MOBAs such as DOTA2 or LOL

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