1) There could be setup option that is turned on or off, that sets replay as your main menu background. Do you remember Doom I or Doom II??? There was replay in the background. 2) When replay as background enabled, after the intro, when replay loads there could be some default screen, but when it is loaded then the replay could be in background. 3) User could choose location of replays: HDD or the Internet. If they come from Internet, then the replay with highest grade would be fetched, then the second one etc. People could watch replays and grade them by default without going to site. 4) New player would learn to play the game by doing nothing!!! Just watch the main screen (replay). 5) Future Championship info or invitations could be displayed on top or bottom of the screen when replay is played. You wouldn't even have to go to site. 6) Replays would get popular right away and PA sports community with replays would be established immediately. 7) Replays could be uploaded by default until this option is turned off (like in SupCom GPG).
What would be better, would be if you could have just a segment uploaded as the background, so you could have a planet being destroyed in the background, and not all that tacky first hour of building a base or whatnot.