It's unnecessary in a objective base game, and really effects how people play it, If you go into any pub lobby 8/10 times you have some guy tryharding to pad his kd. what I suggest is simply removing the KDR system in the game and replacing it with something like a Win loss ratio. Hopefully this would change the way some people play the game, and have a overall better experience in pubs. Thoughts?
Hello. I'm Foolamancer, and I support this change. ETA: This was one of the few things that I actually liked about Brink, really. The whole "scoring people based on actual contributions" rather than on number of kills is a good idea, though I'm not sure how this could be implemented in MNC, since we already have a cash system. It just seems redundant.
Sure! I've always wanted a WLR or at least the Loss counter so I could calculate it. Besides, even if KDR was removed, I could still figure out what it is by dividing my Kills by my Deaths.
Removing kills and deaths from the score board as well, and say replacing it with bot kills or damage to the moneyball, as well as removing it from the locker room stats both kills deaths, and KDR. As to kill streaks... I'm not to sure how to approach them, as it is a big incentive to camp and just go for kills to get money, though i think that they've allready done this on pc is reduce the amount of money you get on a kill streak, just reduce the 100 to say 50. they also added in bot streaks i think which is another nice way to get money now you won't have those pesky pub assassin's avoiding the bot lanes...
I concur. Besides, a high WLR is harder to achieve as opposed to a high KDR which is relatively easy to get.
I just support adding a W/L ratio. I don't know why so many developers have stopped keeping track of your losses, you've earned them as much as your wins.
Oh yes, I totally deserve that loss I got because I joined late while the ball was under full on assault at 10 health. TOTALLY.