Hi, sometimes when creating a four player match or bigger all the slots won't fill up, it would be good to be able to remove an army at this point to start the game if everyone was up for it. Currently you can't remove an army once in the game lobby, if you can't fill the game and everyone is waiting the only way around this would be to re host and change army numbers from the beginning, by this time all the players might not join the new game or simply join another one. I know it's still early days but it's maybe worth considering.
You can still start a game with a not-full lobby; the extra armies will be filled with AI. Obviously not helpful if you don't want an AI in there, but not sure if you knew this or not.
Yes I've logged a request to allow empty rather than AI slots. The AI often munches one unfortunate fleshy player while leaving the others be...
Especially when you have to focus on AA the whole time if there is AI in the game. But i imagine that will change eventually and maybe, just maybe, the AI will stop cheating ;P