Remove all galactic war perks..

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by valheria, May 25, 2014.

  1. valheria

    valheria Active Member

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    Almost finished the galactic war conquest on the hardest ai settings on the biggest map and what makes it so easy was all the perks you can get..The lack of unit blueprints really don't matter as there is always a way to win in this game if you got no naval or air even.

    I mean a perk that increases resources by 40 percent.. seriously?? and one that speeds up fabrication by 50 percent while also cutting energy consumption by 50 percent as well meaning you will always win v the ai no matter your skill level. almost all of these resource perks are seriously overpowered and takes the fun out the game because even having 2 of these is a I WIN BUTTON.

    All perks have to be removed.. They really do because it takes out any element of a challenge so far.. Give the ai a massive resource boost or id suggest removing all resource related perks

    I'm frustrated because i just spent a day playing this without a challenge which is really annoying because i thought id face a boosted uber hard ai or something.. please make it alot harder for us uber : (
  2. Pinworm

    Pinworm Active Member

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    What do you think about some of my ideas here?

    Instead of using perk slots for tech, you'd unlock it once, and then have to build it on a planet. That planet would then pulse 1 or 2 jumps, and you could build whatever you unlocked and built the tech on the planet for, within range. The other bonuses could become consumable burn cards, or be removed and changed into a an upgrade system with planet upgrading

    This would balance out the end game, and mid game even, because you'd always be somewhat limited, but you can also make the strategic choices. It'd add a lot of depth, I think. In addition to adding say "danger ratings" to enemy systems that increase the closer you to get to their stronghold, which add pre-established defenses for the enemy

    PhoneySpring646 likes this.
  3. valheria

    valheria Active Member

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    Any perk that fiddles about with the resources at such a early point in a match is insanely overpowered now matter how much they nerf it. Perks that slightly increase HP and damage for bombers or tanks is okay but resources.. NO NO NO because as you said in the other thread it is just far too easy.
  4. Pinworm

    Pinworm Active Member

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    I agree, and 40% one is very powerful. The commander arm one is insane too because you can get started very fast (I had both in my game by the mid point).

    However, I don't necesarily think they need to be removed. Rebalanced sure. But if they added those danger rankings, then it could be more balanced. Think for example of starting with just your comm, and the AI starts with a quarter of the planet defended with walls and fortresses. Then it's a little more balance since he starts way ahead and you have to catch up, so those perks and upgrades are more desirable
  5. valheria

    valheria Active Member

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    If they are to keep a perk like that then id would suggest adding a long countdown time in till it kicks in on a hostile planet for say.. 30 mins atleast but what you suggested would take a long time to balance as a lot of people would probably disagree with uber on how strong a occupied planet should be if you drop a lone commander on it. Id prefer it if they spent that time on bug fixes on performance but the actual idea of what you suggested would be nice to some extent i think : )
  6. nuketf

    nuketf Active Member

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    30 minuets is wayyy to long id say 5
  7. overwatch141

    overwatch141 Active Member

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    Yea the Galactic War needs to get harder as you play (for every jump?).
  8. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Removing the perks for the reasons stated only put a plaster on a larger issue of the unfinished GW, AI and overall game.
  9. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Idk, if they are very gradual, and if they are very laid out and visible and attached to planet, then technically the better ones could be deeper map based.

    Besides. I think it would also be cool if you could do things on turns on planets. If anyone ever played any "full games" on Star Control, sort of like that, "mine" for a +1 to commander resource generation, fortify to make more difficult for recapture, research to unlock the tech, maybe have 2 techs and one requires 1 research and the other requires 2 research.

    Also, what if the unlocks were gradual ones? As in, tech unlocks aren't "t1 and t2", they are "vehicle, bot, air, naval", and if you have 2 "vehicle" then you unlock t2 vehicle. Maybe even make it more complex than that, start with 1 unit in every factory, and 1 unlock progresses to full t1, 2 unlocks progress to t2 just the fabber and 1 straightforward combat unit, and 3 unlocks progresses to t2 all units, or something like that.

    ON TOPIC: The eco upgrades are very powerful, would be a more gradual thing ideally. My only statement on that, is it is pretty badass to play galactic war with a "pure" build, have quadruple single-tech upgrades and blaze that tech hardcore. Build arm tech, eco production tech, vehicle efficiency tech, vehicle quality tech, vehicle speed tech, and bam, you just smash everyone with with quickest built and strongest vehicles and win by total encumbrance.

    Basically, the overpowered perks in singleplayer, are they not actually kind of fun? Ideally, the whole system can be reworked, but I said 5 times already, this is a damn decent first release on GW. Getting it working, it has been fun.
    corteks likes this.
  10. thesambasti

    thesambasti Member

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    You're complaining about a lack of challenge and your solution is to get rid of what makes Galactic War different from regular vs AI matches?

    How about a simpler idea: Just make Galactic War harder? I mean, it's not a competitive match, it can be asymmetrical. Have the AI start with a base, multiple enemies, instant factories, whatever.

    Seriously though, why don't you just draw yourself a map in photoshop and then play 20 vs AI games if you don't like what makes GW different...
    corteks, kayonsmit101, Quitch and 2 others like this.
  11. nightbasilisk

    nightbasilisk Active Member

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    Just reject all perks if you dont like them. Problem solved.
    nuketf likes this.
  12. k4trix

    k4trix Member

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    3 lines of perks are blocking my sight of the jumps xD
    Can't jump under my current position.
  13. Pinworm

    Pinworm Active Member

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    Did you try zooming out with the mouse wheel?
  14. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    I dunno about all perks being removed. But they certainly do need some balancing.

    And Uber has been made aware of the issues of not being able to win because of tech, like your opponent spawning in the middle of a lake while you have no air/naval.

    I like the concept, but the current execution certainly has issues.

    It'll get there.
    corteks likes this.
  15. valheria

    valheria Active Member

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    Yeah the concept is brilliant but the execution as you say.. Well not so good but we can expect uber to make this really really good in the future
  16. banaman

    banaman Member

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    it's been my understanding from the beginning that the GW update is literal first pass, as in not nearly everything that will be there, is there right now.

    aside from that, ya, I'm kind of having mixed feeling about the perks to... don't get me wrong though, I love the concept of it, but as you all said, the execution of said concept needs a LOT of work.

    as for the being unable to beat certain maps depending on if you have no air or navel, you know this wouldn't be a problem if they allowed one access to a single superweapon at all times... be it laser sat, nuke launcher, or halley (and actually have asteroids... all my GW games so far... 0 asteroids) not saying access to all 3... maybe different commander loadouts have 1 of 3 of them? well, just saying. would solve the issue immediately, lol.

    on a related note, I hate to think of the 1st battle of a naval commander loadout if you don't get a basic factory of anything... you'd have to tower creep with your com everywhere just to win, lol.
  17. pieman2906

    pieman2906 Well-Known Member

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    Not ideal, but getting your com in the water to spam torp launchers has worked fine and dandy on water planets so far.

    getting into the water might be hard with boats about, but usually you have either T1 tanks (are they still ants?) or grenadiers to clear out a spot to drop your first torp launcher.
    wondible likes this.
  18. Antiglow

    Antiglow Well-Known Member

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    Not that I necessarily support this but I did find it funny with some of the perks that I could rush a SXX in under 8 min, one of my subcoms could take on 2->3 enemy sub coms and crush them under 10 min, and I would have a massive army when the enemy just started theirs.

    (beat GW on annihilator)
    Last edited: May 26, 2014
  19. CrazyVulcan

    CrazyVulcan Active Member

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    With accecs to orbital I've just been useing astraits to drop engineers and tanks on any given island and build a telaporter.

    I would rather see a Tech Tree approach. When you start the game you chose a starting load out with your commander. With every win you then earn tech points that you spend to unlock perks and units/buildings. I do like having a limited data slots. It really adds more to the game and even with having more tech unlocked than data slots you could equip yourself to the giving situation.

    That and when you get sub commanders you should be able to move them independently around the map. Losing your main commander is a game over like the Ai but this adds a more chess element. With this I would like to see the size of the map increase, by a lot. maybe have a sub commander able to have two data bank slots that you can equip them while your main commander has a lot more data storage.

    Dont just get rid of the thing while there is so much that can be done to refine it.
  20. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    It's not so much the perks, it's just the AI is braindead.

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