DeadEye was the ONLY Gunner who could claw? Now look, 99% of the people from the competetive scene can. Even the level 70 nobodies from pubs can. Even ERJ#'s can. I mean, who in the blue the hell is this ERJ jabroni!? He can f*cking claw and he's like level 50! This community has improved a LOT. Sure, 80% of the noobs are still bad.
Clawing to me was natural i didn't know the term "clawing". Till I stummbled over a mexican name choiio asking me "murky do you claw andi was like wtf is that". I was doing what felt natural for me. If I jumped I knew it would be harder for them to shot me pretty much common sense to me. I Played alot of halo 3 before I picked up this game and played on "bumper jumper" . But back then I almost never played gunner I perrferd to be support using meh shotgun... I miss halo3...