Rematch or Restart?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by cellbone, June 18, 2014.

  1. cellbone

    cellbone Member

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    Hey Forum,

    Cell here again, and I was just wondering if anyone had given thought to this matter as I have. Implementation of a "Re-match" or "Restart" function in-game.

    I'm sure we've all had games that start and bug out or don't load, or one of several things happen that cause us to want to just ff, or not even try to come back from your late start due to technical difficulties.

    Not only would implementation have benefits for ffa matches or 1v1s, but also for self improvement! I'm not sure if anyone else practices against AI a lot, but I sure do, especially with new patches and changes going through so often, I enjoy sitting down a few hours here and there trying new things and making new builds in AI matches to improve my 1v1 skills or work on a strategy. However, a lot of times the game goes about five or ten minutes and I realize what I wanted to do won't work, or that my build has a flaw, and I have to exit to the main menu, select my system/load new ones, select the AI, and start a new match. Now, this isn't a huge, huge burden, but would make experiences for myself and others much more enjoyable I think, as well as helping us improve.

    These are just my thoughts, let me know what you all think!

    Thanks again,

  2. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    I think it's a good idea :)

    that being said there is alot you can do to make your day a hell of alot easier :

    I use autologin :

    and have PA pinned to the taskbar like so :

    meaning as soon as I notice i'm not correctly spawning (get loading animation when i was already done loading in lobby) I right click on the taskbar PA item and ask to close it (closes it instantaneously (otherwise there's always alt-f4) ) then instantly click on it again and it starts right up to the "reconnect" dialogue which I'm already ready to click on.

    And since my PC's darn fast at generating systems i'm in within seconds and with plenty of time left to pick spawns.

    I hope this provides a temporary solution to you.
  3. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    I think adding this now would be an inefficient use of resources considering the plan is to allow players to use Replays as the "ultimate Save file" that would allow them to resume from any point. Once we have that functionality a "Restart" option is much easier to add as it's fundamentally the same thing as "Loading" a game from a replay at 0:00 as it were.

    tatsujb, PeggleFrank and MortQ42 like this.
  4. darac

    darac Active Member

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    As much as loading a replay at 0:0 would be useful, I don't think it's the only option that would be nice to have. We should also get a 'request new map' button. If you're playing competitively there are always times when a map or spawn points are unbalanced and the only option is to re-host. If a player clicks the 'request new map' button and then the rest of the players accept the request the game can simply regenerate the map without needing you to re-host the whole game again.

    The option can be set to a limited number per player, per game, set in the lobby. Also set in the lobby could be a time restriction for a request. So after 1 minute you can no longer request a new map.

    I know this isn't priority but it would be a really nice to have feature.
  5. cptconundrum

    cptconundrum Post Master General

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    If they don't put this in the game (which would be best), we could mod it in. I'm not going to take on new mods right now though because I can't even keep up with the ones I already made. Maybe somebody else?
  6. tiedtanic

    tiedtanic New Member

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    I'm on build v67523. Perhaps this will be exposed to players better, over time.
    But for now, other games have trained me to expect "restart" options on single-player maps.

    I'd appreciate a nice, friendly, "restart battle" button - even if the underlying code is loading up the replay at 0:00 for me.
    • I'd like to see "Restart Battle" on the ESC menu options for Galactic War battles in progress, and player vs AI.
    • After a loss versus AI, (especially in Galactic War) I'd like to see a Restart option on the summary screen. (One time, I accidently deleted the Commander. Short game.)

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